Chapter 16 - Little Toy Guns

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They had called for him. They had asked him to come, and he knew what they were planning. He had seen all of this come to pass. He knew that by the time it happened Cora would be gone, banished to another realm at Regina's hand. Since Regina had reached her final decision he knew that this was to be, but all of that and he still didn't know if he was ready.

With a flash of smoke he appeared in front of them, everyone but Zelena took a careful step backwards. "Well, well, what have we here? A band of misfits, pretending to be heroes?"

"Oh give it a rest Rumple, you know as well as I do why you are here. My only question is why did you come?"

"You called for me dearie, why wouldn't I come?" She gave him a pointed stare. "Ah right, the whole, seeing the future thing. You know as well as I do that the future can change dearie. After all, look how you turned out. Nobody would have dreamed you would find your place at Regina's side, after you ripped out your true love's heart to curse her." She flinched, but stood her ground.

"Enough Dark One, we want to make a deal." Robin stepped up shoulder to shoulder with Zelena.

"Oh yes, I know about your deal. You want me to sign that contract in your bookworm's bag, the one saying that I will return Regina to you, and henceforth never cause harm to her again, so long as you all never threaten me in any way."

They all gazed open mouthed at him. "What part of 'see the future' do you all not get?" He sneered at them. "There is no point in negotiating, I already know I agree in the end, so let's just get on with it." He magicked a quill out of the air and held out his hand towards Robin.

"Oh no, if you're so willing and eager to do this you do it our way. That way any loopholes or poor wording is entirely our own fault. Belle?" He turned to look over his shoulder and jerked his head forward. She left Snow standing with Ruby and Granny and moved forward to stand in front of Rumple.

She pulled the contract and the glowing quill from her bag. With a smile that was just a little too sweet she handed over the quill and unrolled the parchment. "On the dotted line if you please."

He bent and looked over the scroll once before raising the quill to it. He knew the consequences of signing with this quill, another princess had tried, and failed to use it on him long ago. This time he let it happen. He let the magic flood over him as he completed his signature, and he felt the effects take hold. He was paralyzed, frozen, and his magic was caged.

There was a special cell that had been made long ago to house the Dark One. It was there that Zelena transported them all. Using her own powers she sealed his prison, cutting off his magic, just as he had foreseen.

When the cell was shut for good he was no longer paralyzed, and he grinned. He pressed his face to the bars and let his expression catch all of their notice.

"What are you smiling about Dark One? There is no escaping that prison cell."

"Oh I have no need to leave, I am perfectly content right here where I need to be. You all on the other hand, may want to return to your new home. Just because I'm now trapped here, doesn't mean I didn't leave you one last gift." His laughter echoed after them as Zelena once again whisked them all away.

She had felt the magic reenter her body. It was like an enormous swell of energy, she imagined it was how the sea must feel right before the waves begin to break. But she didn't get the chance to revel in the sensation. Instead she felt an immediate pull, like gravity, increasing on her until she gave in to the pull of the magic.

Giving in wasn't her style. At least not anymore, but when she opened her eyes, she was glad that she had done it this time. For when she opened her eyes she was miles away from the Dark Fortress, miles away from what she had done to her mother, she was home. Well, that is to say she was standing in the one hall that she remembered of this place.

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