Epilogue - I Hope You Dance

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She hadn't breathed a word of what Rumple had said about their child to Robin. She told him she was pregnant and he was thrilled. In fact the entire kingdom rejoiced when they found out that the Queen was expecting a baby.

The months passed quickly for everyone but Regina. She felt the child, and her magic growing inside of her, and with it a sense of dread. She knew she should have told someone, Zelena maybe, or Belle, what Rumple had told her, but now she was nearing her daughter's birth and she couldn't bring herself to ruin it for everyone.

She went into labor in the morning, and by mid afternoon the kingdom had a new princess. Robin had rushed to his wife's side as fast as he could get there, and he had held her hand, as she brought their daughter into the world.

"What's her name Your Majesties?"

Regina shook her head. "Not yet, She will have a proper presentation and coronation ceremony in a few days time."

The doctor nodded and he left the new parents alone with their precious princess. Over the course of the rest of the afternoon their family and the closest of their friends made their way to the Queen's chambers to see the new princess. Everyone begged for her name, but Regina refused to tell.

Robin had told her that she was to pick. He didn't care what they called her as long as he could pronounce it and she had just laughed. Assuring him that she would choose something normal, and yet fitting for their little girl.

Now as she lay there holding her daughter, running her fingers over the soft dark blonde curls on her head, she thought about the name she had picked. It was perfect. Befitting of a princess, and worth of a Savior.

The next day Regina used her magic to heal herself completely and she was back on her feet. Overseeing all of the preparations for her newborn's coronation. It was a big to do, and there were many different formalities that had to be discussed. Including the line of succession.

"Mother." She heard Snow call from behind her and turned, holding the baby in her arms, to greet her elder daughter. "I wish to speak to you and to Robin, about the coronation ceremony."

"Okay, what is that matter?"

"Nothing, it's just that I think the baby should be first in line. Not me."

"Snow. You were born to rule this kingdom. It is your right to do so. I will not allow you to step down. Not at thirteen. That is too big of decision for you to make right now. If you still feel this way come your eighteenth birthday we can discuss it again. Until then you will remain the Crown Princess of this kingdom. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Mother." She was looking at the ground. "I'm not going to change my mind though." She mumbled under her breath.

"What was that young lady?"


"I thought not." She pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Now, go on, I'm sure there is something around here you can help out with."

"Yes Mother."

The rest of the day went off without incident, but Regina could feel it coming. The sense of dread that had been growing since she had found out she was expecting was worse than ever. They wouldn't make it through the rest of the week without something happening. Whatever Rumple had seen all those months ago was getting closer. There was magic in the air, and it wasn't her own.

The ceremony started off wonderfully. Everyone got a chance to see the princess, and the fairies had arrived to bestow their gifts upon her. Robin couldn't help but notice that his wife was growing more and more anxious as the day went on.

"Regina? Are you all right? You seem awfully nervous?"

She smiled sweetly at him and nodded her head to one of the fairies that was now hovering over the Princess. "I'm fine, dear. Really."

He wrapped an arm around her waist as they stood next to the bassinet that had been placed on the dais in the throne room. "I love you My Queen."

"And I you My Thief."

"You do remember that I am the King now?"

"You'll always be a thief to me outlaw, for you stole my heart away."

"I can't steal what's already been given to me."

"Touché." She grinned. "It's time." She reached down into the bassinet and scooped up their tiny princess. Wrapped in pale purple and silver fabric, she was a pretty little thing.

"Family, friends, fairies, and guests, the King and I would like to thank you for coming here today. We are pleased to announce the birth of our daughter Princess..."

And the doors to the throne room burst open. She made her way towards them faster than should have been possible. She blasted the guards out of the way and stopped at the foot of the thrones. "Sorry, I'm late. Please continue my dear, I'm sure everyone is just dying to hear my granddaughter's name."

"Mother... what are you doing here?" Regina clutched the baby to her chest and Robin wrapped an arm around her. "What do you want Mother?"

"I told you that I would be back darling, and now I am. I told you that one day I would take your kingdom, and everything that you hold dear. So please, what is her name?"

"I won't tell you Mother. I won't put her in that sort of danger."

"Oh? And what danger is that?"

"The kind that let's you gain power over people."

"I don't need that power my dear. For I have my own. I am cursing your kingdom, my darling, for until I reign over it, there will be no escaping. No one can leave, no one can enter. Your kingdom is sealed off from the rest of the universe my darling, that is, unless you hand over your throne to me."


"Oh? Well then what are you going to do my dear? You may be "The Fairest Of Them All", but I guarantee that I am more powerful than you."

"Haven't you learned yet Mother," she flexed her hand underneath of the baby and shifted slightly so she had and angle on her mother, "You should never underestimate me."

The magic shot from her hand and struck her mother square, but it was too late. Cora had disappeared in a cloud of blood red smoke.

The room was chaos, everyone was starting to panic, but Regina remained calm. She was the eye of the storm. Her magically enhanced voice was still enough to be heard over the clamor of the crowd, and her shrill whistle was enough to silence everyone.

"There is no need for panic. I knew that something was going to happen today. I didn't know what exactly, or who would cause it, but I knew that today our lives would change forever." She stepped forward and lifted her baby girl out in front of her. "Besides we have something that my Mother knew nothing about."

She turned and smiled at Robin, "I am sorry that I kept this a secret from you, but I just realized why I did. If I was the only one that knew then there was no chance of it getting back to Cora." He nodded to her in forgiveness and she continued. "When I first discovered I was pregnant I was in the presence of Rumplestiltskin, and he told me that something big was coming to change our lives. At first I thought it was the baby, and then he told me something else. Many of you know that I am called, "The Fairest Of Them All", well it turns out my unborn daughter already had a nickname too. They say that we will call her "The Savior". I'd like you all to meet your new princess." She lifted the bitty princess as high as she could and she smiled down at everyone. "Our daughter Princess Emma..."

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