Chapter 19 - Because You Loved Me

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Regina honestly couldn't believe that they had finally gotten here. Robin had asked her to marry him months ago. And now here they were two days before Christmas, getting ready for the wedding. There had been tons of planning, piles of invitations, every little detail needed her approval, and she loved it. She hadn't been allowed to plan anything for her first wedding, and so this time she left nothing out.

They were to be married this afternoon, and Robin was to be crowned King at sundown. Everything was going to go off without a hitch. She could feel it. It was going to be perfect.

"Mother!" Snow came rushing into her bedchambers already dressed in her bridesmaid's dress. "You are still in your nightgown! What are you doing? It's already past noon!"

Regina laughed, "Calm down Little Bird, you forget, I can cheat."


"There will be no cheating on getting ready today." Zelena had come in behind Snow, though much quieter than her niece that was for sure. "You will be getting ready for this wedding the old fashioned way. You chose tradition for everything else, I won't let you slip up on this."

She stood next to Snow and together in their dark purple gowns they made quite the sight. There was only one person missing from their little pre-wedding ambush.

"Where is Belle?"

"I'm right here." She came sweeping through the door carrying four rather large bouquets of flowers. Mixed together in three of them were white daisies, purple orchids and blue tipped, white roses. The fourth, and by far the largest of the set was made up of pure white roses and dark purple calla lilies.

She dropped the flowers on the table and her jaw dropped when she saw the bride. "You're still in your nightgown? Regina it is your wedding day!"

"I know that!" She snapped at them all as they started to fuss over her. "I am going to get dressed how I want, when I want, now step back." Her magic rippled through her voice and forced them all to take a step away from her. "Now I want you to close your eyes."

They all looked at her suspiciously.

"Oh just do it!" Three identical grins appeared on their faces, but dutifully they closed their eyes. With a wave of her hand she was surrounded by lavender smoke, and when it cleared she was perfect. She took a moment to inspect herself in the mirror before she spoke to them again.

The ivory corset was covered in thousands of shimmering diamonds, and her skirt fit perfectly over her delicate hips. It splayed out behind her in a perfect half circle and her shoulders were covered with a simmering dust. Her makeup was subtle, and flawless, leaving no question as to why everyone claimed she was "The Fairest of Them All". She had left her hair half down, loose curls framing her face; just the way that she knew Robin loved them. The back of it was pulled into a low bun, curled and styled to appear just slightly messy. She was a beautiful bride.

"Okay." She breathed out in almost a whisper. And she turned ever so slowly so that they got their first sight of her as if in slow motion. She watched their eyes as they took her in and she laughed. "Is this better? Do I look ready now?"

"Mother... You look perfect."

She reached out and cupped her daughter's cheek. "Thank you my dear." She looked up at her sister. "Well, are you angry that I cheated?"

There were tears in Regina's eyes. "Not at all. We couldn't have made you any more beautiful than this the other way. You are radiant."

"Thank you sis."

A knock on the door interrupted their tender moment. Belle smiled as Zelena went to answer it.

"What are you grinning about?"
"Your sister got you a surprise. I'm just assuming that this is it."

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