threes company?? why he here

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I went and took my shower and got dressed for the day.. I spent my whole day packing and getting my clothes packed up.. I called my homegirl Amber, over
to help with the kitchen..
"Knock knock" she said walking in the kitchen.
"Hey girl"
"Damn looks like your pretty much packed".
"Yea i just have the dishes, what's up with you"
"Nothing same ole same ole where yo ass moving too"
"Well August making me move with him" i said rolling my eyes.
"What his lil thang gon say bout that" she started to laugh
"She better not say nothing to me is all i know"
"Ion get it why you and him aint get together yall would be super cute together"
"Ugh hell noo eww are you serious he is disgusting"
"Shut up all guys are like that Meg," she said putting some news paper on some glasses
"Well thats fine but August is so Augustie"
"Thats your comeback"
"Yeah, I will not have this conversation with you just pack my shit" i said trying to ignore her.
"Aight keep denying it Meg you and i both know you and Aug would be cute" i sat at the table wrapping up some plates when August came in the house with more boxes.
"Hey wud up yall," he said moving around a few boxes in the walk way making a path for himself. He walked over to Amber, and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
"Hey August how you been" she said
"Shiiddd i cant complain, you helping Big head pack?" He said
"Hey big head"
"Dont start with me" i said rolling my eyes
"Shut cho ass up" he said tossing me the duck tap.
"So what you and Meg in here gossiping about" he asked Amber and Amber looked at me and started to smile.. That was my que to get up.
"Oh jus how you and Meg would be cute together"
August looked at me and smiled and looked back at Amber, "yall aint got nothing better to do but pair nigxas up"
"Yall, dnt say yall August" i said walking back in the kitchen with more news paper
"Well im sayin you guys never thought about it" Amber said looking at both of us.
"Again eww no"
"Nah she like that annoying girl in class that smell like pee" they both started laughing "but fareal ion look at her like that ion look at her in that way even a lil bit"
"Right so lets get to packing Amber" i said handing her some newspaper.

At August House

"This is your room, the bathroom is in the hall clean up yo shit but your welcome to whatever you want" i said putting her bags on the bed..
"Ok box head"
"Aight ima be down stairs you might wana take a shower" i said slapping her on the ass.
"Stop doing that and I dnt stink,"
"Ha!" I laughed
"I hate you so much" she said i walked out and went down stairs grabbing a beer out the fridge flopping down on my sofa, I was going through my Facebook, when i got a msg from my girl.
Mya- wyd I miss you 💋
Aug-imy 2 I'm chilling with Meg,
Mya- oh i thought you was helping her move
Aug-i did we jus chilling come over im home i wana see you 😉😏
Mya- ok im bringing my cousin with me
Aug- oh aight
End of txt

I ran up stairs and hopped in the shower real quick and threw on some joggers and a crisp white tee. I heard the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it" Meagan said walking passed my room I followed her down stairs.
"August its for you" she said rolling her eyes
"Stop that" i said walking passed her towards the door.
"Hey baby" Mya said hugging me i looked at her she was wearing this tight ass short maxi with wedges she looked good..
"Damn baby" i looked behind her and it was a dude.
"Oh Aug this is my cousin Chris"
"Oh whats good" i said to him..
"Wud it do" he responded back
"Aug where did Meagan go?"
"Ion know kitchen prolly why?"
"I wanted to introduce her to chris"
"MEGG!!" I yelled
"C'mere right quick"
"Mya wana introduce you to her cousin"
"Yea Meagan this Chris, chris Meagan"
"Oh hey bye" she walked away
"Is she always like that" chris said smiling
"She's touched, im going to use your bathroom" Mya said walking upstairs to my room.
Meagan came back in the living room sitting on the sofa not saying a word..
"You want something to drink a beer somethin" i said
"Yea sure"
"A meagan cmere right quick" we both walked towards the kitchen.
"Yea" she said with her arms crossed
"Why you bein so mean to Mya cousin?"
"cuz i want to ion like him or her" she turned away walking out the kitchen
"Wo wo wo wait ah minute" i said grabbing her arm"
"Aug if ion want to talk to him don't force me you aint my daddy"
"Just dnt be so mean"
We chilled at the house the reminder of the day talking drinking and i was getting to know Chris since Meg ass was being a jerk to tha nigxa. Mya had to leave she had work the next morning so she aint stay the night. I was faded high on cloud nine and Meg was on the sofa watching infomercials.. I set next to her snatching the button.
"Heyy, why are you such a dick" she said hitting me with a pillow.
"Same reason u are"
"Give me the remote" she tried grabbing it from me but she wasn't quick enough.
"Nah you good rude ass"
"Your still mad about whats her face ugly cousin?"
"Lokey yeah"
"Well get over it" she said getting up
"Where you going?"
"To sleep if thats okay august"
She walked passed me i slapped her hard on her ass.
"Nigga keep yo long ass ET phone home hand off me"
I stood up in front of her towering over her.
"Shut up"
She turned around and punched me in the stomach hard as fuck..
"What is wrong with you" i said holding my stomach
She booked it up stairs and i chased after her. Running up the stairs i was right behind her.. I tripped her and she fell in the hallway. I sat on her legs and held her arms down..
"August getcho big boney ass off me"
"Nah you wana punch people and shit yo ass gon get it" i started tickling her. Her laughs turned in to her begging me to stop.
"August please!!"
"Tell me im the king and im sorry for dis obeying"
"Really" i started back tickling her again..
"Okay okay, your the king and im sorry for disobeying you"
"Was that hard?"
She looked at me and i looked at her and out of know where our lips met..
I locked lips with hers and i felt her lips so soft and sweet..why was this just now happening.
She Moved away from me i got up she got up and went to her room not saying anything else and closed the door behind..
What did i just do.


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