Tell me and Mean it

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"That's what I said" Aubrey replied

"No, call her Meagan" August said

Aubrey just smiled it off and he pulled me closer to him I knew he was doing this to piss him off and I just made my situation worse.

"the doctors are going to let me go home"

"but momma you just had a " August said

"boy hush now its not that deep I'm fine and besides my baby here I want to spend some time with her before she heads back to California with that cute boyfriend of hers" she said smiling

August just looked at her knowing she was stubborn there was nothing he could do about it but let her do her and take it easy. We all gathered up and drove to her house and relax. We pulled up to the big house and everyone was getting out walking to the front.

"Meg," I heard Aubrey say

"yeah whats up"

"is there something you want to tell me?" he said with a serious look on his face

"uh no, why?"

"so I'm your boyfriend now" he smiled

"oh, yeah look I'm sorry I just didn't want"

"its fine I will go along with it but you owe me" he smiled

I walked in the house and the smell brought all sorts of memories back to me good and bad. I made my way to the livingroom sitting on the sofa I propt my feet up on the ottoman and Aubrey looked at the pictures that where sitting on the mantel that set above the fireplace.

"would you like a drink Aubrey" Travis said handling him a small glass filled with henny

"thanks bruh, is this you Meg" he said smiling putting the drink to his lips

"no its not" I said lying

"  her ol big headed ass is lying that's her with them big ass teeth" Travis said laughing

"travis I know yo ass aint talkin you barely grew into your lips" I said rolling my eyes

Aubrey just stood there looking at the pictures August walked into the room and set on the opposite side of the sofa. I knew he was staring at me I looked his way and his eyes locked again with me. I didn't want to stare but I couldn't help it.

" so Meg you never got my text that I you" August said making Aubrey look up from the photos on the wall.

"August please not now" I said trying to plead with him

" Amber never told you that I begged her for your number or that I told her time and time again that I missed you"

"August please"

"nah answer the question" he said waving his hands

"well fine lets take this outside, Aubrey can you excuse me please" I said getting up walking outside to the oversize backyard. August followed me outside and I walked over to the small canopy that Shelia had in the backyard.

"tell me you don't miss me Meagan" he said not wasting anytime

"August please just let it go, I moved on"

"no tell me that you don't feel nothing for me tell me that you don't still love me and I will let it go"

"I missed you but I had to move on and do for me"

"there is no buts Meg, for six months I tried to figure out why I said the things I said to you and if I had the chance to have you back in my life I would get you back, I missed you beyond words but you look me in my face and tell me that you don't love me, you look me in my face and tell me that I don't mean shit to you and that guy you brought up here is what you want"

Not knowing what to say because all those things I did feel I did miss him deeply and Aubrey compared to August he couldn't hold a candle to him but I don't know why I was making this so hard I don't know what was making me pull futher away from him. I stood there and didn't know what I should say.

"exactly what I thought, why can't you just say what you really feel Meg, damn" he said turning his back towards me.

"yes I missed you and yes I'am still in love with you I cant deny that I try and I cant I want those feelings to go but I cant, I don't know why. When I get around you I feel butterflies in my stomach I cant help that I love you as much as I do. I didn't want it to be this way I told you that but whats done is done and even though my feeling are still there I cant live this fairytale dream that is not meant for me to have"

"why not, why cant you see that I am willing to do what ever I can for you that I will leave behind everything for you"

"but that doesn't make it right"

"so I don't care about being right, I want you"

I never seen this side of August and it broke me down literally broke me down my heartached and I couldn't hold back I cried. Iam fucked up my life was fucked up I tried my best to get it together but It somehow finds its way back to being fucked up. What I feel for him I couldn't express to him I couldn't just let it out everything was jus this fucked up story I didn't know how to tell, and knowing that apart of me is scared to really ruin what we have forever was hanging in the back of my mind.

"I'm sca...." Before I could finish my sentence August rushed me kissing me with some much force I couldn't breath I didn't want to breath. He crased his lips to mine kissing me with so much passion I didn't want our kiss to end he soft lips felt like smooth satin on my lips sweet honey coated his lips and our mouths partied. My stomach was in knots and small tingles where felt all over my body, I didn't fight it I embraced him and allowed my tongue to enter his mouth and that feeling of us connecting was ended as he pulled back from me.

"I love you" he said looking into my eyes I bit my bottom lip gently tasting his lips on my mouth. "and again I'm sorry Meg"

I was speechless I was trying to avoid this but I seem to dig deeper holes I can't get out of fuck. 

I will try to update again this week

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