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"You have to talk to him at some point." Lauren said two weeks later as we headed to the movies. "This is getting ridiculous. He comes home soon. What are you going to do? Ignore him while you both live in the same house? The man has called at least ten times every day since you guys last spoke. The least you can do is pick up the god damn phone."

"No thanks." I muttered, struggling to get the seatbelt to work. When it finally clasped I sighed and closed my eyes, just wanting to tune Lauren out.

"Don't you think you should talk to him at least before Ashlyn comes? You can't just ignore the baby daddy forever. Especially when he lives in the same house as you! Why won't you talk to him?" Lauren glared at me.

"I don't want to talk about it." I grumbled, turning the radio up louder.

"Would it kill you to just listen to him? You told him yourself you still loved him and-"

"LAUREN! Just focus on driving please. I. Don't. Want. To. Talk. About. This." I leaned my head against the window, ignoring my friend and her continued grumbles about my relationship."

I woke up and was shocked to find us not at the movie theatre but still on the highway. I looked at the dashboard to see three hours had gone by. "Lauren? Where the hell are we going?"

"South Carolina." Lauren said sheepishly. "To catch the boys' show. You and Cody are going to talk whether you want to or not."

"Oh my god, you cannot just kidnap people! Turn around, turn around right now!" I protested, but Lauren ignored me and turned up the music. She sang along cheerfully and I sunk into my seat, deciding I needed to get a new best friend.

"Have a good drive?" Sam asked as we pulled up at the venue. She looked at me "Don't you just seem like a hap-"

"Don't even start. I do not want to see him. I hate you both. You can go fuck yourselves." I grumbled, refusing to get out even as she opened the door.

Sam laughed loudly "It's nice to see you too, Aly-cat." Her laughter died "Now get out of the car and go talk to your husband." She tried yanking on my hands, but I didn't budge.

"Oh, just leave her. She's going to have to go pee eventually. We had to make like a thousand stops on the way up." Lauren said, leaning against the car. "So, where is he?"

"They're just about to start their set. The British boys are going to make sure he doesn't run off. He's been hiding in Shatterproof's van the past couple of weeks to avoid me." Sam explained "Our job is to make sure she doesn't go anywhere."

"Where exactly am I going to go? I'm pregnant and I've been kidnapped by my best friends." I muttered, finally reaching a hand out for Sam to help me. "I do have to pee."

Sam laughed and led me to the bathrooms backstage. As I came out I couldn't help but peek onto the stage, my heart aching a bit as I saw Cody performing. Suddenly he turned and we made eye contact. Cody did something I've never witnessed him do before during a set. He stopped singing and just stared at me.

"Uh, excuse me guys." Cody snapped out of his shock. "I...uh...I need..."

I shook my head, feeling slightly bad for disturbing him and turned away, heading back out to the car. Maybe if I cried I could convince Lauren this was a bad idea and she would take me home.

"It'll just be a minute." Cody's voice echoed through the venue then suddenly he was in front of me, blocking my exit.

I swallowed and stepped back, not able to meet his eyes. I didn't want him to see how sad he made me. "Excuse me, I was walking that way."

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