Welcome to Graceful Falls Resort

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     "It was really nice of Mrs.Sanders to give us a few more of her cookies." Even after we left the shop Greg still found a way to keep on munching. Since she was so kind Mrs.Sanders gave us a small bagie of cookies to take with us on our trip. We ended up deciding to head over to the resort today to see what we could dig up and seemingly to get us out of her hair Mrs.Sanders gave us cookies after telling us where we could find the place. We needed to get out the shop anyway, if we we wanted to get information about the resort and still have enough time to finish our article we had to act fast. "Think she'll give me her recipe if I ask nicely?" 

     "I'm not exactly sure about that. What I am sure of though, is that we're here." 

     "Huh...?" After only fifteen minutes of walking we arrived at the front of the resort; it was exactly where we thought it would be. We were only slightly out of town, closer to the mountains and more woodland areas. It was still and easy walk, so how come no one heard it being build besides Mrs.Sanders? 

     Greg looked up with wide eyes as he turned his attention toward the large building in front of us. There was a small group of people standing  in the grand entryway next to a greenish colored sign, there was some kind of automobile on it. They seemed to be waiting for a shuttle bus. There was shuttle? How could no one have seen it ride through town? "Wow...!" Greg started, stretching the word out. "This place looks so fancy!" 

     "Yeah, it does..." The words weakly left my mouth. The building matched the area, having a more woodsy feel to it. The outside resembled a log cabin actually, with wood siding, a red brick chimney and wood lined windows. It was stationed in the perfect spot as well; even standing in front of the place you'd have a distant view of the mountians, making this spot the perfect place for a vacation in nature. "Let's go inside." 

     With Greg following behind me like an excited puppy we entered through the fancy glass doors in that grand entryway, not saying that we kept walking for too long. Once we made it inside we stopped right in our tracks; the decor amazed us that much. Vaulted ceilings, exposed beams, multicolored bricks on the walls, huge fireplaces, bear rugs. It was completely amazing. "And I thought the outside was fancy." Greg pipped up after a moment of us just staring around. Growing up in a small town, the only time we'd see buildings like this was on tv. 

     "Uh... yeah, let's just find the front desk." I grabbed Greg's arm to tug him along a bit, since he was still standing there mesmorized by the decor and all. But I got him walking again and after maybe two wrong turns we finally found the front desk. This place was much bigger than I had expected it to be. 

     "Hello ma'm." I started addressing the woman who was sitting at the desk. She immediately smiled once she saw me, showing off her movie star white teeth. 

     "Good morning, welcome to the Graceful Falls Resort and Spa. How may I assist you today?" Her voice was very kind, don't get me wrong. Her voice sounded sweeter than an ice cream sunday, but there was something off about it. She was almost speaking in a monotone, very slowly, like she was trying her hardest to pronounce each word correctly. It creeped me out a little, but I tried not to let that show. 

     "Oh we're students from the local community college. We wanted to write an article about this resort for our school'so news paper, can you give us any more information on this resort?" 

     "How lovely!" She started, smiling just a bit wider. "Of course I can, just give me a moment please." She reached underneath her desk and searched around, after a short moment she came back up and handed us two small booklets with a picture of the resort on the front of it. "These are informative booklets we give to all members of the press. Please feel free to use whatever content you want for your article." 

     "Oh thank you very much!" After denying to hear the new opening specials and 'great deals' on rooms I dragged Greg along with me once again, this time we headed back outside. "Even though we've got this booklet, we should still ask around and see if anybody's heard about this place. Reviews from actual customers are much better than sayings from the buisness." When I turned around though, to face Greg I saw that he was paying no attention to me whatsoever. He was faceing the shuttle bus sign and lightly nodding his head, as if he was listening to music. "Greg? Greg, are you paying attention?" 

     "Huh? Oh yeah of course I was, I heard every second of it!" 

     "You were? Then please, repeat what I just said to you." 

     "Well, I don't exactly know how to repeat it. That'll be kind of hard. Critiquing shouldn't be to hard though, since you were humming and all." 


     "Yeah, well it actually sounded like a low buzzing noise to be honest. If you're gonna hum Tommy, I suggest using more than one note." Without much of a clue as to what Greg was talking about, I sighed and decided to pull him along once more. We should head back down to campus to ask if any of the other students has heard anything. Since some of them are from out of town, they might have picked up something on their way home or to school. Besides, I had a good idea to help us with the article. 

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