You're Their Biggest Fan?

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     Greg fell once again and landed at the very bottom of the bleachers with a thud. By now the girls had made their way over and were each giving him a look of slight pity. I used that as my cue to rush down the stairs, far more carefully than Greg did though to stand by his side. "Where did he come from?" One of the girls asked, folding her arms in front of her. She had short black hair with a few red streaks and was wearing a deep grey jogging suit.  

     "Maybe he was a gift from the sky?" The girl in pink chimed. 

     "Think we could do a trade in?" The two girls laughed as the last girl stood in back of them; she was simply staring, confusion and a bit worry filling her face. By that time I had finally gotten to the bottom of the staircase, out of breath of course. 

     "Hey...!" I started, leaning on the railing at the bottom of the bleachers. I was still huffing at that time, but my weak, airy voice was just enough to drag the girls attention over to me and away from Greg. That was exactly what I wanted. Okay, it wasn't exactly what I wanted. You see, I had this really cool idea of Greg and I calling to the girls from the top of the bleachers. They'd look up at us in surprise while we'd be standing in these spy like poses, then we'd nonchalantly walk down. We'd look so impressive , ask the questions and then walk away like we were in a movie. But... Greg ruined that chance already. "How's it going guys?" 

     "Uh..." The girl in grey started. "Who are you?" Greg stood up quietly this time and dusted off the off grass that was sticking to his clothes. He looked over to me, mouthed a quick "sorry' and then gently pushed his way past the three. 

     Once he was standing next to me, I cleared my throat. Grasping at that lost chance at sounding cool was my goal at that moment. "Us?" I asked, pointing to Greg and I with a fake look of surprise on my face. "We're reporters with a local newspaper. My name is Thomas Fletcher and this is my colleague Greg McArthur, we'd like to ask you ladies a few questions." A slick smile ran across my face. 

     My words were met with silence though, since all the girls did was stare at us, odd looks on the faces. After a while though the girl in Grey title her head and narrowed her eyes bit at me. "You guys are reporters?" She asked, surprise evident in her voice. 

     "Yes." I stated simply, that slick smile was still there. I was still hoping to come across as aloof, impressive. 

     "Well, we're not real reporters yet." Greg started, scratching the back of his head. "We don't actually have jobs or anything right now. We're just students doing an article for the school news paper and hoping to get some extra credit for class." 

     I brought my hand up to my face and shook my head. Why? Why did he have to say that? We've been best friends for years, shouldn't some kind of telepathic communication have developed by now or something? Why couldn't be be that reliable, always on your side best friend and just know that I was trying to keep up an image? "Oh!" She chimed, letting a small giggle escape her lips. "That makes more sense."

     "Hey Cassidy? Aniko?" The girl in back finally spoke up. She had been standing back there so quietly for such a long time, just watching us. It was starting to get creepy. Cutting their giggles short, the girls in front turned around with slight surprise on their faces. Seems that they weren't expecting her to speak either. 

     "Yeah Gracie...?" Aniko, the girl in grey asked. 

     "Isn't that blonde guy the one who tried to flirt with Cassy last week?" All eyes, including mine then turned over in unison to Greg. Feeling the awkward air that was now surrounding us, he chuckled nervously and waved to Cassidy, the girl in pink. After a quick mulling over, she popped her eyes and huge smile ran across her cheeks. With a cute and girly giggle, she waved back, giving Greg a now friendly and gentle look.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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