What's The Outstanding Citizens Corporation?

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     "That place wasn't so bad." Greg started as we sat down on a bench in the school campus. "Wish you would've let me hear the specials." 

     "Just read the stupid booklet already." I snapped. We'd just gotten back from the resort, it was even shorter walk from there to our school. I spent the entire time telling Greg about my idea for the article though. 

     Since the town was so small and all the surrounding town were small as well, I wondered exactly how successful this resort would be. Of course it's in a prime location, the perfect distance away to get a view of a waterfall. Still, it just didn't seem to smart to me to put a resort that large in a place like this. That reminded me acutally, that once of the courses this school offered was business. I could easily ask some of the business majors of their opinion on all of this. 

     "Alright, alright." Greg eased back completely on the bench and flipped to the first page of the booklet in his hand. I did the same and began reading through all the words on the page. There really wasn't standoutish in the booklet to be itself to be honest. There were different parts sectioned off for different topics; activities, room setup, prices, sites. Everything in there seemed pretty normal, and pretty boring. 

     It disappinted me little, I thought there would be more info, but what can you expect? I sighed, closed the booklet and turn my attention to Greg, who's finished reading about the same time I had. "Find anything interesting?" I asked, seeing as he had a satisfied smile brimming on his face. 

     "Oh yeah!" 


     "They've got a three nights for the price of one special!"

     "I mean something we can put in the article..." 

      "Oh... then no." I shook my head, Greg didn't even seem focused anymore. Then again, I couldn't remember a time when Greg did seem focused, ever. Greg flipped to the back cover and sighed himself, not really paying much attention. That's when I noticed something; there were some odd markings on the top of the page, I couldn't make out what it was from Greg's book though. Curious, I flipped to the very back of my book as well and took at look at the top of the page. 

     "Hey Greg..." I started, taking a look at the odd logo that was stamped at the top. It was really tiny, something you wouldn't really take much notice to unless you were examining the page. Normally I wouldn't pay any attention to things like this either, thinking that maybe this was the printing company's stamp or something but, not this time. This logo looked really strange for some reason. "You see that little logo on the top of the back page?" 

     "Huh?" He did the same thing I did, examine the tiny logo that almost seemed to be hiding in plain site. "Yeah..." Came airily out of his mouth. 

     "Doesn't it seem weird?" 

     "It kind of does." In the back was a little earth, it wasn't fully colored in but the outline of it was bright and colorful. In front of that little earth were three people, one higher than the rest and two at the bottom. They were all holding hands, and didn't have to much detail. There were words above it, written in a typewriter-ish, very business like font. It read 'Product of the Outstanding Citizens Corporation'. That didn't sound like a printing or distrusting company. "Ever heard of them?" 

     "No... but they seem like a pretty big deal. Do you think the business majors will know anything about them?" 

     "Oh right! The business majors!" After I told Greg about the idea I had, he told me that he thought it work. The only problem was, that I didn't know any of business majors and after asking Greg for some advice thankfully he said that he knew a few. He knew three of them to be exact, and all three of them were girls. He walked up to one, feeling over confident one day and decided to flirt a little bit. Turns out the girl wasn't having it, so two of her friends came over causing Greg to high tail it as fast as he could. 

     "Think they'll actually help us, after you how badly you derped up?" 

     "Uh..." Greg giggled nervously, scratching the back of his head. He stopped for a moment, looking at the ground. After a while though he looked back up and although it was hesitantly, he nodded. "I'm sure they'll help us out a bit." 


     We walked around after that waiting for some time to go by, it was still pretty early. Greg said that he'd usually see them hanging around the sports field later in the morning. Greg isn't sporty at all though and doesn't have much of a reason to walk toward the sports fields either. He must have been looking around for them to actually find them there. Why he was looking for them I didn't know and I surely wasn't going to ask. Getting an answer from him, would only lead to more questions so I left it at that.      

     "Do you know their names?" I asked, looking around the path to the sports field. 

     "Who's names?" 

     "The business majors you appearntly stalk." Greg popped his eyes at that, and turns his head away again. 

     "I don't stalk them..." He started. "I just wanted to find out what she- they were into that's all." 

     "Is that so...?" 

      "Yeah..." I didn't believe that either, but I didn't have much time to question him right now. Besides, we were roomates, I could always ask him in the moring when he's to tired to lie me. We kept going after that, since he said he didn't see them so far. He didn't know their names either, or at least didn't want to tell me them. From the nervous look he gave me after I'd ask for their names again, I suspected otherwise though.  

     The sports field looked completely empty once we got there. There was some grass, some bleachers, sports equipment that was left out, but the only people there was us. "So where are they?" I asked, turning my attention to Greg who was staring aimlessly around the field. 

     "Huh? Oh! I don't know. They're usually here around eleven-thirty so, this is weird." 

     "You know an exact time?" 

     "What? No way! It's extremely hard to find an exact time when basing it on people, since schedules can change unexpectedly and for the fact that people don't always to things on time. So of course it's just a approximation." 

     "Really...?" I asked, dull expression on my face. 

     "Duh, everybody knows that." 

     I sighed, taking a seat one one of the bleachers. Greg apparently came  here everyday, so he probably wasn't wrong. That meant that they would be here soon, whenever they did arrive we'd ask them some question and hopefully get some answers. "One! Two! Three! Four!" I heard shouting behind me. I turned around and so did Greg to look toward the small opening in the bleachers that lead out to the rest of the campus. "We're the tigers, hear us roar!" 

     Out of almost no where, a girl with long black hair jumps through the opening and out onto the field. She was wearing a light pink and yellow jogging outfit and had colorful pom-pom in her hands. "Go tigers~!" She did another quick jump and landed in an amazing split. Her hands were in the air, holding the pom-poms up as high as she waved them around crazily. I was awe stricken, watching her from the high bleachers I was sitting on. 

    "Is she one of the business majors?" My eyes were stuck, simply staring at her. 

     "Isn't she awesome...?" Greg let out airily. After a short moment or two, the girl just slid back up with no problem. We heard light clapping right after as two other girls followed her inside. 

     "We should get down there..." 

     "Yeah! Let's go!" Greg hopped up faster than I've ever seen him do. Now, I wanted to be all mysterious and stealthy, walk down the bleachers quietly and ask what we needed too. Greg of course had other plans, since he pretty much ran down the stairs, tripping once and almost falling flat on his face. Even though he didn't fall he made far more than enough noise for the entire campus to hear. The girls looked up, completely surprised and caught Greg picking himself up from the tumble. 

     Why did he always get us in some kind of trouble? 

The Outstanding Citizen's Corporation #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now