Batman arkham knight side misson idea 1#
Idea by: LORDofvillains2023
Batman arkham game: arkham knight
Side mission name: dealing in depravity
The plot of the side mission: Somebody has stolen Some of batman's villains old weapons from the evidence room of GCPD and is giving them to thugs on the streets of gotham
The side misson symbol: An auction paddle with a dollar sign on it
How the Side mission starts: once batman stops some of Penguin's thugs, who were gonna give guns to two-face's thugs. He looks at the guns closely and realize these were the old guns from Penguins armor creates from batman arkham origins, as well as certain items from his previous missions that were shown in GCPD that have been taken and transported somewhere in gotham
Cash's incoming report:
Cash: Batman, we got a problem! The old weapons are gone, we need you to get here and find them before they get into the wrong hands!
Batman: Don't worry cash, I'm heading to the GCPD right now!
Villain: The Dealer
The Dealer's design: A black tuxedo suit, black boots, over grown nails, bits of white hair and a gray gas mask
The Dealer's hideout: an old auctionhouse near the gotham harbor
The Dealer's Goal: To sell certain celebrities as well as certain items from batman's previous missions to the highest bidder
The Dealer's catchphrase: see it, slice it, sell it!
The Dealer's conversation: (when they are defeated and taking to GCPD): you and i we’re in a symbiotic relationship. You make the criminals, the murderers, the psychos, the cops scoop up what's left and I pawn them off back into the community. So long as you exist this beautiful industry will never end. But go ahead lock me up lets see what trophies there are for some sicko to buy at my next auction!
The Dealer's conversation (when they find out Bruce Wayne is Batman): if it’s any consolation mr. Wayne, your corpse just became that much more valuable on the market. I’d get 10,000 for your head alone but you in costume? Ohh the numbers would skyrocket!
Arriving at GCPD with the Dealer:
Batman: *Grabs the Dealers arm* Out you go Guiborg.
The Dealer: *Gets up* Couldn't we make a deal for my release early?
Putting the Dealer in the maximum cell:
The Dealer: You know Batman, Maybe once I get out of here. I'll hunt you down myself and end your life. Once I do, I'll sell your corpse to the highest bidder!
The Dealer's conversation with the villains (in the cell):
(With Deacon blackfire)
Deacon blackfire: Greed is a sin dear child, but God will forgive if you confuse your sins to him.
The Dealer: Sorry deacon, but is to late to pray for God while theirs money to be making.
(With Professor pyg)
The Dealer: You know mr. Valentin, your knifes maybe worth a million dollars if you let me have them.
Professor pyg: Pyg doesn't need money *pig noise* Pyg wants love, pyg wants to see his Dollotrons again *pig noise*
(With Penguin)
Penguin: Well, Well, well. Look who's here *chuckles* serves you right for thinking you can top me Guiborg!!
The Dealer: Keep talking Oswald, We'll see who's the better seller once we're out.
(With Two-face)
Two-face: You should've stayed gone while you had the chance Guiborg.
The Dealer: And miss the great bidding of the life time? *Laughs* over my dead body dent!
(With Firefly)
Firefly: Don't even think about selling my flame thrower and Jackpack if you want to be burn to a crisp Guiborg!!
The Dealer: But think how much you could have, if you just give the highest bidder your items Mr. Lynns.
(With Riddler)
The Dealer: You know mr. Enigma, those robots of yours would be a fine profit for everyones needs.
Riddler: My Riddlebots are not for sell, you money-laundry baboon!
(With Deathstroke)
The Dealer: You know mr. Wilson, your items maybe worth a fortune if you could let me see them.
Deathstroke: You try to sell my weapons, and I'll make sure your the 19th person to die by trying to sell them.
(With Azazel, if you choose to lock him up in GCPD):
The Dealer: You know Mr. Lane, you're sword could be useful for a bidder that wishes to use it for sword practices.
Azazel: You’re greed will lead you to your death from my blade if you dear try to sell it!
The Dealer's conversation with batman (in the cell):
Batman: You'll be in here for a long time Etienne.
The Dealer: Oh batman, I'm just a simple Dealer trying to make it to the top of the food chain.
Batman: You’re no Dealer, you're an Insane man that almost sold dangerous items to other criminals.
The Dealer: I didn’t see them as dangerous weapons, I see them as items that could be sold to the most highest bidder. And once my bidders see How much it will cost them, it'll be sold to them.
Cash's evidence case audio: One walking stick and one chainsaw, all own by Etienne Guiborg, a.k.a The Dealer. This guy tried to sell some of the weapons from the evidence room to the highest bidder, but batman step in and turn down his auction. And thank God for that. cause if any of these weapons were sold, we would all be screwed.
(Comment on your thoughts about it)
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