Batman arkham knight: Season of infamy 1#

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Batman arkham knight Season of infamy 1#

By: Saintmaster24

Batman arkham: Arkham knight Season of infamy

The side mission name: On the Prowl

The plot of the side mission: Batman discovers that various valuable antiquities are being stolen all across Gotham

The side mission symbols: a scratch mark

How the Side mission starts: After exiting the pinkney Orphanage the first time, Batman gets an alert revealing that someone just broke into a museum and stole a rare diamond

Alfred's incoming call:

Batman: Alfred, give me an update on Gotham's most wanted.

Alfred: All right, it seems there was robbery at the Gotham museum of art in Kingston. It seems someone is taking tonight's chaos to make a large payday, sir.

Batman: I'll investigate as soon as possible.

Villain: Catman

Catman's design: An orange and yellow cat suit with an orange "CM" on his chest

Catman's Hideout: An old abandoned shop near divinity Church in founders Island

Catman's Goals: To use the chaos to steal as many rare objects as possible

Catman's catchphrase: This cat's got claws of steel, Batman.

When you put catman in their cell (in the west wing):

Catman: *thrown to the floor* No! *Gets up and turns to Batman* You may have stopped me this time, but I'll be out soon enough to take back what's mine.

Catman's conversation with batman:

Batman: You're going to be in here for a long time, Blake.

Catman: Oh, trust me, Batman, I don't plan on staying for long. I'll find a way out and when I do, you'll be the first one I'll visit.

Batman: and when you do, I'll be ready.

Catman: You better be, because I'll once I'm out, you'll die by my claws!

Cash's evidence case audio: A set of cat themed burglar tools, all used by Thomas Blake, A.K.A catman. As if one cat themed thief wasn't enough, now we gotta deal with two of them.

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