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double update? yessirski


"What are you doing?" Ashton asked his sister as he returned to the kitchen.

"I was trying to see if I remembered anything from high school, but whew!" Daniela said with wide eyes, flipping through his mini homework packet. "This shit is like Spanish to me."

"¿No entiende el español?" Ashton asks, taking Daniela by surprise. you don't understand Spanish?

"The fuck? You speak Spanish?"

"A little. Not only do I have a Spanish class, but I'm in a school full of people that speak it," Ashton answers proudly about his achievement. "Me va bastante bien. Azul. Morado. Cortina," giving examples. I am doing quite well. blue. purple. curtain.

Daniela smashed his homework to his chest, "Alright, show off."

Ashton chuckles, "I can teach you what I know so you can speak to Enrique in Spanish. Impress him."

Daniela immediately says, "Not everything about Enrique. Cómo se dice, he's not special," how do I say...

"Learned that for him, didn't you?" he asks with a tight-lipped smile, Daniela mocking him:

"Learned that for him, didn't you?" rolling her eyes. Her brother was a little right. She searched up some things not only for communication but also because Enrique would say things to her in Spanish.

She always forgot the things she studied but never the keywords Enrique said to her. It was like learning schoolwork versus lyrics, and Enrique was the song lyrics. Easier to remember.

"Ooh, Ma!" Daniela exclaimed with excitement when her mother walked in the room.

"Yes, Dani?" She mumbles, attention glued to her phone as she strolled to the sink.

"So, you know how I'm getting my tattoos today, and I was thinking maybe I get a cute hibiscus flower on my shoulder or the inner part of my arm, right here," pointing to her wrist. Daniela waited with enthusiasm until she looked up to see her mother stuck in her screen. "Ma?"


"Did you hear me?"

Vivian scrambles her memory while still distracted, "something about buying milk."

Daniela's face fell. "It's that dang phone!" she exclaimed, using her mother's line on her.

Vivian giggles, going on to say, "Sorry. I'm playing candy crush."

With a huge gasp, clutching the edge of the counters and leaning back as far as she could for dramatics, "Candy Crush is more important than me?" sinking to her knees.

"This board was hard to beat."

Daniela rests her head on the cold marble, "I'm not important, oh my gahhhh!" forcibly sobbing with her bottom lip spread.

Since she reached the next round, Vivian asks with full focus on her daughter, "What were you talking about? I'm listening." She looked around for her before seeing her nails scratching the countertop.

"Never mind now," she fake sniffles. "Ashton, is this how it feels to not be the favorite?"

Ashton knits his brows, "I'm mom's favorite."

Daniela gets up smirking, "no you ain't."

"Ma?" Ashton calls out.

Vivian's eyes widen as they both look at her. "Uh-uh, don't add me in y'all's sibling debates. I ain't got nothing to do with this."

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