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Daniela was starting to always be at Enrique's house. It was like the second he got into her panties, she ain't really leave his sight. Her family hasn't seen her in a couple of days, Daniela busy waking up in Enrique's bed and making coffee while talking on the phone with her girlfriends. Of course she went in for work, but he picked her up after and took her to his place, or had her out with him.

Daniela had to admit, being out and about with Enrique was refreshing. He knew a lot of people, so she ran into folks named Sleepy, Flaco, and Chivo. She wondered why Enrique didn't have a street name, learning he didn't want one. Enrique was just fine, but Daniela tried giving him a couple like En-freaky. Freaky-Ricky. Rique with the blick-que, but he stared blankly at her, Daniela promising him that if he let it marinate, he'd find one to like.

"Got damn, Daniela," Enrique backed up with knitted brows. "Almost took me the fuck out," keeping space after Daniela jumped out of her sleep and almost collided heads with him.

While rubbing her eye with her back aching after the way she slept, she mutters, "Sorry. I had a bad dream."

"How often you get those?" Enrique asks, watching her carefully sit up.

"Anytime I watch scary movies before bed. No trauma backstory from me," she replies, clearing her throat to get rid of that rasp.

Enrique rested his head against the headboard. "Cool. 'Cause I don't feel like healing you."

Daniela weakly grins, "You'd do as I say," grabbing her phone to check the time—finding out she was up at 10 a.m. on a Saturday. "Crazy how I was supposed to be home, and I'm here."

Enrique turned his head towards her, asking, "You just get up complaining, don't you?"

"Yes, so get used to it," pulling the blanket off of her. Daniela got up and pulled her shorts out her ass, putting on her slippers to go wash her face. They crashed at his mom's place after a few drinks, Daniela washing off the makeup she left behind when coming in last night. There were memories flooding in while she finished up her business in the bathroom, Daniela clamping the cap on her toothbrush that she left over.

There was this loud banging on the door that startled Daniela, Georgie shouting, "Come on, Genevieve! I gotta go."

Georgie waited for his sister to curse him out about rushing her, but all he received was, "I'm coming." He knitted his brows, not used to this calm response. Daniela was no longer sneaking around, but not all the Gonzálezes were caught up with everything. So when Daniela opened the door, he stared puzzled, "My bad, Daniela. I thought you were Genevieve."

Daniela sent one of those tight-lipped smiles white people gave Black people. "It's cool," she said, getting by.

Realization didn't strike quick enough, Georgie eyeing her weirdly as pieces fell into place. He made an ill face. "Ew, you're dating my brother?"

Daniela sets her hand on her hip, facing him, "what if I just came to use y'all bathroom?"

He points to her shirt, "In Enrique's shirt?"

She pinches the fabric. "This mine."

"I got that for him for Christmas."

"So did my brother. Y'all must've shopped at the same place," lifting her shoulders and releasing the collar.

Georgie then smiles, "Wait, does this mean you could get Enrique to let me be friends with Ashton again?" He already was, but he was tired of sneaking around. He knew his family wouldn't want Ashton over anymore, but it didn't mean he couldn't go over to the Parkers.

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