Chp. 5

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Chris' P.O.V;
"Jake..." I spoke... But he cut me off, crushing his lips into mine. He was on top of me... On my bed, he started to kiss... Down my neck. I let out soft moans... So did he. He started to slowly take our cloths off. I let out more moans as he kissed close to my nipples... "Jake... Wait... Jake... Babe... Stop..." I moaned I wasn't sure I wanted this yet. "Ja-Jake... St-stop..." I finally got out... "Shhhh... I'll make you feel better... Shhhh." He whispered in my ear touching me... Getting a hold of anything he could grab. "Aa-ghh... Jake... Don't... A-hh..." I grunted trying to push him off me. "Stay still... Chris... Stop moving!" He yelled. "A-ahh... S-stop... Jake... N-No... A-ahh." I didn't want this... But I can't stop it. "Stop fucking moving Chris..." He started to kiss me too low... I let out lustful moans... "Jake! Stop... Ahhhh... Stop." I yelled. He stopped sucking me... And just looked at me. I pushed him off me... And tears rolled down my cheeks. "Babe... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to force you..." He softly spoke. "Then what did you mean..." I respond... Looking up from my knees.

Ronnie's P.O.V;
He fell asleep... With his hands around my waist. It was the best moment of my whole life (besides Willow being born) I just never thought this would have happened. I thought has I ran my fingers though Andy's hair. He just looked so peaceful and cute. Shit Ronnie what a creep... Stop looking at him... Go to sleep... "I can see you Ronnie..." Andy spoke. I froze for a second... He kissed my forehead... I blushed. "I love you..." He repeated. "I love you too... Andy" I said. He finally fell asleep for real this time. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best... Soon enough I was sleeping, just to be awoken by yelling... I felt Andy by my side... Juliet! "What the fuck Andy... What dose this mean..." She yelled crying after words. "Babe I can explain... I mean I can't... Look I love Ronnie and I'm gay and I'm sorry I don't tell you before I'm so sorry." Andy yelled. "Sigh... Wow why don't you tell me.. Andy." Juliet said. "Because... I don't want to hurt you... And I just realized how much I really love Ronnie, and you where jus so in love with me." Andy respond. "Whatever... I was planing on leaving you either way..." She said going upstairs and packing.

Juliet's P.O.V (This is her only P.O.V coz let's face it we all hate her);
Andy cheated on me... With his best friend I don't even know what to do. "I'm leaving... Okay it's final..."I yelled. While crying and packing Andy came upstairs... And he told me everything... To be honest I don't want to hear it. So I rushed to get my things and left. He followed me downstairs... I could see Ronnie was ashamed. Without another word... I stepped out and Andy slammed the door behind me. I could still hear Ronnie ask him something. I left the apartments and set out to go look for somewhere to stay besides my car. (She's out the way now jkjk)

Ryan's P.O.V;
Maybe I over reacted... Just maybe but I wasn't sure I wanted Derek to know. Like yes his my band mate but... Still. "Babe... Can you please forgive me... I'm sorry." Ash whispered. "It's, okay I just over reacted." I said wiping tears away. "No but still... I know how Derek is." He spoke... Sitting down next to me. "I love you Ash..." I said pulling him close. "I love you too Ryan." He respond pulling me into a kiss. We sat there for what felt hours kissing. "Hey guys... Umm wanna go out to eat with us?" Jacky asked. I looked at Ashley... He nod... "Sure... Wanna invite Ronnie and Andy too?" I asked. "Yah... I'll call Ronnie." Jacky said and left. I could hear him ask Ronnie a few things. Finally... Jacky came back. "Yah he said him and Andy will meet us there." He said. We walked all the way to the restaurant.

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