
18 1 0

Dear Lexy,

I love every single character that built you up.

I love how you don't let anyone go beyond the line.

I love how you stand up for yourself and for others.

I love the way you try and make people happy.

I love it when you give someone you don't know a present for their birthday.

I also love the way you get frustrated; tears swelling up but you furiously push them back.

I love how you made it look that you don't care about how people say and treat you as long as your yourself while in truth, you try to shape yourself in accordance to how they want you to be.

I love how you're so considerate of others (although you stopped caring when they pushed you too much but it's alright, I still love you) .

And lastly, I love the way you stand back up again even after falling face first.

Though I wished you tried to stand back up this time... But then, how could you when your feet are numb with no one there to help you?

I'm sorry Lexy.

I'm really sorry.


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