A familliar face

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Thorn peered around the corner as a girl's husky voice rang out.

"How old do I look?"

Natalie, one of the office staff sighed deeply in annoyance.

"Excuse me, miss Edwards, but this would be a lot easier, and quicker, if you'd cooperate,"

Her words were clipped, blunt. Whatever this girl had done had really managed to piss off Natalie.


Thorn couldn't see the two women, his view was obscured by a very firmly closed office Door. The voices rang out from the Crack beneath the wooden door, which he kept his eyes on steadily.

"Sixteen? Seventeen? Come on, guess" Her low voice mocked.

Natalie took a deep breath before answering this time.

Thorn strained his neck to hear the conversation clearer, and turned his glass green eyes to the shinny tiled floor.

"Okay. To be honest, you look about fourteen,"

At this, the girl sounded genuinely curious.

"Why? State your reasons, nat-ah-leeee" she sung the nurse's name in her gravely voice, and Thorn sniggered into his shoulder.

"You're very thin, short, immature, and you are wearing bunny rabbit pajamas," Natalie listed, and at that exclamation, Thorn smirked again.

The girl huffed.

"Now if you'd just fill out this registration form, we'd be well on our way to-"

"Sure thing Natalie. Can we go to my dorm now?" The girl interrupted.

Natalie sighed again.

"Alright, Wren. This way please,"

The door swung open, and Thorn hid further behind the corner, stressing over whether the walls had become transparent in the past few minutes.

The hall was dead quiet, until he heard Natalie point out
"Oh, and it's a cell, not a dorm."

With that the two walked away from the office heading to the girl's cell floor.

He breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and began to make his way back to his cell, a million questions buzzing in his head.

Henry was awake, his arms behind his head in a massive stretch.

"Well, well...well," he yawned, cracking every single one of his knuckles just too watch Thorn squirm.

"Well what?" Thorn answered, a viable edge to his voice thanks to the bone crunching.

"A bit grouchy this morning I see. Where have you been this time then, you naughty boy?" The redhead questioned, eyeing Thorn suspiciously from the opposite side of the room.

Thorn was busy at the cracks in the gray stone floor, toned arms folded over his big chest.

"There's a new inmate," he stated, finally looking up at Henry's glittering hazel eyes.

"There's a what?!" Henry practically yelled, before clapping a hand over his mouth after seeing the incredulous glare on Thorns perfect face.

"There's a new inmate?" Henry whispered after composing himself, sitting up ramrod straight in bed eager to hear more gossip like a little schoolgirl.

Thorn couldn't resist the grin that spread over his face.


"What does she look like? How old is she? Is she hot?" The questions poured from the teenage boys mouth in a rush, and Thorn worked hard to decipher every individual question.

"I don't know," he shrugged.


The dark haired boy shot Henry another look.

"Alright then lets start off real simple for ya. How, old, is , she?" He said very slowly, trying to put across how much of an idiot Thorn must be.

"I understood your questions dumbass, I just don't know the answers to any of them,"

Henry frowned.

"Yet," thorn added, making Henry grin mischievously at him.

"Come on, don't pull that face Henz,"

"Don't call me that awful name, ThornoPorno," Henry huffed, walking to his wardrobe.

the two boys were so busy arguing that they didn't notice small, inconspicuous Wren peeking through their square cell window, a look of pain, suffering, and fondness slathered on her face. Wren had finally found her best friends. But they had no idea who she was.

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