chapter 60

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TW: If you can't read about rxpe and abxse please skip this chapter and the next one

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TW: If you can't read about rxpe and abxse please skip this chapter and the next one


"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, disturbance settling into my body. My best friend and my.. I don't even know what to call whatever was between us. We had never given it a name but still, I would've thought that she wouldn't cuddle with my fucking best friend.

There was shock on her face as she ripped herself away from Davian who stood there looking slightly apologetic but all I wanted was to punch that look from his face.
Deep dread filled my stomach, leaving an icy cold feeling.
This was exactly why I didn't trust anyone.

She was no better than all of the whores I'd slept with over the years. Just a needy ...woman. I hated them with all my being. By falling in love with her I had slowly adapted to a new imagery of woman, one that wasn't so bad, but now I knew that I had been wrong.
All they ever did to me was deceive me, hurt me, try to control me.

"We were just..." she began but I wasted no time, shutting the door in their faces. I didn't want to listen to pitiful explanations that would only make the pain in my head grow.
I couldn't stand hearing more of her lies.

I would've expected myself to be angry at her but all I felt was betrayal and disappointment. While I usually faced my problems headfirst all I was able to do now was run.

So I left them in the room and instead held onto my blades tightly as I hastily made my way out of this stupid building.
When I heard the door open behind me and smelled her awfully sweet scent my steps didn't falter, instead I only tightened my muscles around the blades and walked faster.
I was on a path of destruction and although I felt such deep betrayal I couldn't stand the idea of hurting her.

"Wait, let me explain" she called out to me and I could hear her fast footsteps as she tried to close the distance.
But all I did was ignore her while walking further towards the end of the hallway. I didn't want to face her because I was sure that my face would give away my emotions.

Right when I placed my foot on the first step I heard her breathless and panicked voice.
"You're jumping to conclusions" she said right in the moment she gripped onto my shoulder.
My breath grew cold, all thoughts leaving my head. There was immediate silence at the dread I felt and I think she felt that too. The shift in the air was almost eerie as I slowly let some of the essence of my dragon out.

It was cold and dominating, its purpose to make people cower in fear.
Silently I ripped my shoulder from her hold before robotically turning around. My eyes must've been completely purple from the presence of my dragon.
The muscle in my jaw ticked angrily as I took a deep breath while staring into her face.

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