Chapter 27

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"OHANA means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."

My cheeks were swollen from all the crying. They were red, sticky and made them feel numb. For the past hour, my dad was telling me what happened and blamed it all on himself. Part of me was angry that my parents didn't try harder to look for me, but as soon as they walked through the door, all the pain and anger vanished. It was like it evaporated into the air, taking a large weight on my shoulders with it. 

You could say I look more like my mum. I inherited my light blue eyes and freckles from her and my brown her from my dad. I finally felt whole again. I finally had a completed family and we are going to get an additional member soon. Everything was perfect now. But then again, too perfect is never a good thing. 

The wind blew cascades of hair away from my face, creating a relaxing feeling within me. I was currently walking on the beach, facing the beautiful sea in front of me. The sun was beginning to set. The sky was going through an explosion of colours. The sand felt soft under my feet, and ran through my toes. I sat down and admired the beauty, felt I felt someone sit next to me. I turned around and saw James. James was Mel's boyfriend. It might sound ridiculous, but we sort of became best buddies as soon as we met. 

"Eve, I need your help." I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as he sighed and looked straight ahead.

"I want to propose to Mel-"

"REALLY?" I asked in joy clapping my hands like a happy seal. 


"There's a but?"

"Let me finish woman." I nodded and pretended to seal my lips, "I want to make it special but I can't think of anything."

"Hmmmm," I said whilst thinking of something, "What do you guys enjoy doing together?"

"We've been together for years and I can't think of anything. I mean yes we do go for walks on the sea and collect shells together but how is that going to help it's not like-"



"I have an idea," and so I began telling him my master plan. 


After Eve told me her plan, I decided to go and talk to Mr and Mrs Moors. I palms were feeling sweaty. What if they don't give me the permission to marry their daughter. I walked into the kitchen and gulped. Here it goes. 

"Umm Mr and Mrs Moors?"

"James? You know that you're supposed to call us Andrew and Emma. Why the sudden formality?" Andrew chuckled.

"Well umm, I was just meaning to ask if..."

"Ask what?" 

"Canimarryyourdaughter?" Andrew and Emma blinked for a couple of times, before they burst out laughing. 

"Why did you struggle to ask us that? Of course you can!" 

"I can?" I asked my eyes wide in surprise.

"Yes." The two of them were still laughing when I left the room and walked straight into Eve.

"You should've seen your face! You looked like a happy puppy," she was clutching her stomach laughing.

"What's so funny?" Eve stopped laughing, as we both turned to look at Mel who was standing in the door way.

"Umm nothing, I have to go." I said and hurried off. This is going to be hard.


James was acting strange. Really strange. He hasn't talked to me since yesterday. It's as if he's avoiding me. Should I confront him? No, maybe he's just having a bad day. I tried to shake thoughts out of my head, but it was useless. I saw James walking in the corridor. He stopped as he saw me and slowly started walking towards me. 

"Um, do you want to go for a walk on the beach?"

"Now?" I asked in surprise. He seemed so... nervous. 

"Yeah why not?" He said with a small smile. I shrugged and followed him, as he ran ahead and started collecting shells. 

"Whoever finds the prettiest shell is the winner," he said whilst running around, trying to find them. I laughed at his childishness and did the same.

"It's not fair I'm pregnant!"

"Tough luck!" he screamed back sticking his tongue out at me. 

"Mel I won, I found the prettiest shell!" I stopped looking and waiting for James to show me it. He walked towards me and tripped.

"James careful!" I said, but he somehow landed on one knee. He held out a sea shell and opened it up. Inside was a beautiful ring. The diamond in the middle had a heart engraved in it and contained the initials J&M. 

"Um.... Will you marry me?"  Tears formed in my eyes as I managed to croak out a simple 'Yes'. He got up and engulfed me in a hug, as I cried on his shoulder. He placed a simple kiss on my lips and smiled at me. 

"Yaaaaayyyy." I heard a crowd yell as my whole family ran towards us. 


"Evieeeee!" My daughter ran into my arms and hugged me. 

"Does this mean that you and daddy are going to get married?" I looked at James and smiled.

"Yep, it does." She squealed in delight and hugged Jame's leg.

Eve walked towards us holding a camera. "So it worked," she told James. 

"It worked," he nodded and smiled back. 

"What worked?" I asked in confusion. 

"The plan," Eve answered back in a 'duhh' tone. I hugged her, knowing that it was her idea. It felt good to have my little sister back. 

James slipped the ring onto my finger and I stood there admiring  it.

"Oi Eve, when I wanna propose to you, I'll just ask you for the idea. How does that sound?" asked Jayden. We all laughed as Eve blushed. My sister getting married? Hmm, I think I would like that. 

Hellooo Guys,

So, over the past few days,  I have gotten so many votes and it made me SOOO happy. Whenever I read books and the author rambles on about these kinda stuff, I always sit there thinking, 'Well done.. and what?" but now I actually understand how they feel. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF THOSE WHO VOTE AND COMMENT. You are all amazing. 

Love y'all

Rushdaaa x


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