Chapter 10

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"Calling other people ugly, doesn't make you any prettier."



I ended up spending the next three days in my room sulking. Yepp, you read right- THREE days. I decided to skip school seeing as watching Bella and Jayden act all couply should be a punishment designed for hell. They didn't even look good together. Like eww. I was probably sounding like a five-year-old sulking, which is why Rey is standing at next to me with her hands on her hips.

"Evelyn Moors, I will not repeat myself. Get off your skinny ass now or I will drag you by your hair, out of this household."

"You sound like an abusive boyfriend."

"I will turn into an abusive boyfriend if you don't listen to me."

"Are you telling me that you're a boy?"


"Well then how can you be my boyfriend?" Rey growled in frustration as she pushed her hair out of her face.

"Why are you acting like this why? You don't have anything to do with your parents any more so stop being so upset all the time!"

"You have no right to tell me to stop feeling the way I do now!"

"Well then tell my why you are feeling like this!"

"FINE! The one time I feel as if I can finally live like a normal teenager, everything collapses into a dark hole again! My parents ruined my childhood and made me feel as if my heart was shred into a thousand pieces. Just when I thought that the pieces were coming together again, your brother decided to show up. He stole my heart and tore it apart into millions of tiny pieces and threw it straight back at my face! He thinks that I'm the big bad wolf going around bullying everyone, when I'M the one who was bullied all my life, when I'M the one who was abused all my life! How is any of this fair?"

By the end of my little rant, I realised that my voice had risen to a point where it made Rey cringe.

"You used a lot of very interesting language techniques in that." I stared at her. I kept on staring. Ten minutes later, I was still staring.

"So after that heart to heart conversation with you that's what you say?"

"Oh come on woman that was not heart to heart. That was screaming at my face about your life story."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too but there is a rather weird force between us, which constantly draws us together again. Don't you think?"


I shouldn't have said that. As soon as that tiny word left my mouth, Rey grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed. Clearly shows how a two-letter word can create such a dramatic effect.

"Rey let go of me!"


*30 Minutes Later*



"Where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you."

"But my legs hurt!" I whined like a little baby.

"Does it look like I care?"

"Well you should!"

"Well I don't!"

"We've been walking for like five hours now!"

"Stop being dramatic!"

"Stating facts is not being dramatic!"

"Stating unrealistic facts is being dramatic."

In case you're wondering what's going on, I am currently being pulled across the street like a ragged doll by Rey. She had a firm grip on my arm and I can guarantee that there will be a massive bruise around my wrist.

"Here we are." I looked up to see what Rey was staring at. Seriously?

"Rey... you just missed a day of school to bring me to Starbucks."

"Great observation Sherlock."

"How is Starbuck going to solve my life problems?"

"No one can solve your life problems other than you Eve, but what Starbucks can do, is make you forget about them."

Knowing that I had no say in this, I followed Rey to the furthest table and took a seat.

"Why did we have to sit all the way here when there are like a billion empty tables right next to the door."

Rey just completely blanked me and looked through the menu. Fine then be like that. After hours of waiting, the waiter finally decided to show up.

"Good afternoon, what can I get for you beautiful ladies?" Whilst Rey took her time in placing her order, I decided to inspect the waiter. He was tall and had perfect hair with pearly white teeth. I would've found him good looking if I wasn't stuck in this abnormal mood swing. So basically, he was lanky with too much gel in his hair.

"And you sweetheart, what do you want?"

Not bothering to even look at the menu I said, "Whatever she ordered," nodding towards Rey.

"Okay, I'll be right back." As the waiter walked off, Rey shot me a mischievous smirk.



I started playing with my hair as the waiter returned with our orders.

"Here you go. Would you like anything else?" I rolled my eyes at annoyance.

"Yes, I would like the board outside saying 'Starbucks', so I can hit you around the head with it. Can you get lost now?" Without seconds the dude vanished.

I took a sip of my drink and scrunched my nose up in disgust.

"What is this?"

"A drink with extra strong coffee in it."

"You know I hate coffee!"

"Yes I do..."

"Well then why on earth would you order it?"

"I didn't," Rey said shrugging, "You did."


I stood by my room window, with my back pressed up against the wall. "....He stole my heart and tore it apart into millions of tiny pieces and threw it straight back at my face! He thinks that I'm the big bad wolf going around bullying everyone, when I'M the one who was bullied all my life, when I'M the one who was abused all my life...!"

My heart sank as Eve let out all the sadness she buried within her. Millions of thoughts were swirling around my head. Eve was bullied? By who? I didn't understand anything.

I grabbed my jacket and drove to school, determined to find out what happened with Eve. All I could think about was her - the way her eyes widened when she got excited and the way her freckles reached her eyes when she smiled.

Ohh Eve...

Heyy Guys!

I hope you like the chapter!
Attached is a picture of Eve!

PS: Can you guys think of good names for my chapters? They sound way too boring. Th next chapters will be dedicated to those who think of the best ideas!


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