Chapter 28

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"I think I love you a little bit more everyday."

The rest of the days flashed by. It has been a week since the proposal and things have been hectic. Mel, James, Evie and my parents decided to move it with me, seeing as it would just make life a whole lot easier. It was sort of starting to creep me out, living in a big house all by myself. Half the time I was at Rey's house anyway. Mel was feeling conscious about how she is going to look in her wedding dress. The only thing left to do was go and buy some dresses, but Mel feels as if the bump is going to make her look fat. It was hard trying to convince her that the bump won't make a difference. She will look beautiful either way. I even tried telling her that it will be cute if she walks down the aisle with her mini bump showing, but nothing we said worked. At the end, we decided that we should look for a dress which hides the bump.

"Mel, are you ready to leave?" 

"NO! I'm scared, what if none of the dresses fit me? It will be so embarrassing!" 

"You're beautiful no matter what size or shape you are."  Mel gave me a small smile. She took my hand and led the way downstairs  to the car. Around  ten minutes  later we arrived  at the shop. There were all sort of dresses put up on display. I gasped, astonished  by the beauty of each and every dress. The way designers  were  able  to come  up with new designs motivated  me. I made a mental note to try designing some myself when i get home.

A lady walked  up to us and led us to the seats by the mirrors. "What are you ladies looking for?"

"We're  looking  for a wedding  dress, two bridesmaid  dresses  and a little flower  girl dress," answered  Mel. She decided  that  she wanted Rey and I to be her bridesmaids  and Mini Evie was going to be the flower  girl.

"Okay, I  will show you the wedding  dresses  first," the lady took Mel with her and left the rest  of us behind.

"Eve?" I felt a small tug on my skirt and turned to Mini Evie.

"Yes cupcake?" 

"Are you going to wear a dress too?" 

"Yes I am cupcake." She giggled and ran off to Mum. After what seemed like forever, Mel walked out. I gasped, forming the shape of an 'O' with my mouth. Mel's dress was netted around the arms and had a little silver belt around her hip -just above her bump. The whole dress was covered in netting, with little flowers. She looked gorgeous, but I frowned at how visible her bump was. Mel looked at herself in the mirror. 

"I-I.." I held my breath in, "I love it," she whispered. I sighed in relief. "I like the way the bump is showing.. it makes it look a whole lot more... natural." 

The wedding dress was finally chosen. Mum and Mel went off to get little cupcake a dress. She left Rey and I with two simple rules - The dress must be full length and it must be dark blue. Easy right? Well that's what we thought until we entered the dress section. We both froze and slowly turned to look at each other. Racks and racks were filled with dark blue dresses. There were at least over three-hundred dresses to choose from. 

"How are we going to find the right dress in this?" Rey asked shaking her head in dismay. 

"Maybe we eliminate? I mean half of these dresses are too short anyway." Rey nodded her head in agreement and we were off. The plan was to choose at least five dresses and then try them on to see which one is the best. I tried to make sure that I was as picky as possible and soon ended up with four dresses. 

Rey on the other hand was holding around 10 dresses. I raised my eyebrows at her. "What? I can't choose between these!" I sighed and placed my dresses on the side and took her dresses from her. One by one I was going through them. 

"Too long."

"Too silky"

"Too classy."

"Too blue." 

"Hey! What is too blue supposed to mean? They are all blue!" whined Rey. I ignored her and carried on.

"Too slutty."

"Eve! That dress covers every inch of my body. What do you mean 'too slutty'?"

"Too Ew." I was finally done and handed her five dresses. 

"Come on let's try them on," I said shoving her into a changing room, and then going into the one next to her. I mentally cursed about how small the space was and started changing. I tried on every dress and smiled in satisfaction as I tried on the final one. This was it. This was the dress. It was sleeveless and was netted just above my chest and was fitted tightly around my waist. There was a layer of plain netting over the actual dress. It was simple but beautiful. I stepped out, just in time with Rey. 

Rey's dress was pretty much the same as mine, but her sleeves crossed near her chest, looking like a v-neck. "We both look beautiful," she gasped. I nodded in confirmation. We bought the dresses and went off to meet Mum, Mell and cupcake by the car. 

"Do the dresses look nice? Do you like them?" Mel asked.

"Yep, they are perfect," I smiled. Mel squealed in excitement, whilst my mum scolded her for not being pregnant during her pregnancy. 

"Oh sush mother. Let the bride to be have some fun," was her response as she got into the car. 


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be interlinked with plaidskinnyjeans's book 'Sempre'. Eeeek I can't wait. Two stories are going to come together. Literally. Anyway, I have no clue who to dedicate my chapters to anymore, so I decided to randomly choose readers who are always voting and showing their support. Therefore, this chapter is dedicated to  EveLoveForever  So remember:





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