Chapter 3

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"And she'll continue to smile, no matter how hurt she is."


School was finally over. That one little statement made my day. I was simply sitting on the couch, when Rey came out of nowhere and dragged me up. "HEY! What was that for?" I screeched.

"We are going to the hairdressers, then to buy you some more clothes, shoes, makeup-"

"Woah hold on. Won't it make more sense if I found myself a place to put all my stuff in first? "

A mischievous glint reached Rey's eyes. "Don't worry I've got that handled. .."

"Wait what do you-"

"Will you just shut up and come with me. The amount of questions you ask are slightly worrying." And with that, I was pushed out of the house and into Rey's car. I kept my mouth shut throughout the whole journey, determined to give her the silent treatment. What had she meant by 'I've got it handled'? Does that mean that she has found me an apartment? But I only told her about this like two days ago.

"Oi Eve get out of the car!" I snapped my head towards Rey's seat just to realise that she is already walking towards the hairdresser. Sighing, I got out of the car jogged to catch up with her. She was greeting a lady I've never met before. Well that kinds makes sense seeing as I've never been to the hairdressers. My hair was way too long. It fell just underneath my bum and was slightly wavy.

"Good morning sweetheart. I know just what to do with you, "said the lady, whilst pushing me into the seat and getting to work. I bit my lips, wondering what I would look like once she was finished. I didn't want her to chop all my hair off and make it too long or dye it a bright purple. I liked my brown hair. My eyes slowly drifted shut as sleep slowly took over.

I woke up with a jolt when my chair was spun wildly. "OH MY GOSH EVE YOU LOOK AMAZING!" Rey was now hoping up and down, clapping her hands in excitement. I slowly turned around, to face the mirror and let out a gasp. My once wild ginger hair was tamed into neat curls. It was now brown and fell up to my elbows.

"I love it," I said more to myself than to any one else in particular.

"Come on then, we are now going clothed shopping," Rey said dragging me along to the next shop. I felt much more confident with my newly done hair so I couldn't wait to get a new wardrobe.

We spent the next two hours, visiting various different shops. We even went back to the car to leave the bags in there, seeing as we have way too many to carry around.

We could've carried on shopping but we were far too hungry and our legs and arms were aching so we decided to stop and return to the car. However, as soon as we got on, Rey started driving the opposite direction. "Rey where are we going?" I asked, looking around the unfamiliar place.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," said Rey looking smug.

"How am I supposed to find out if you don't tell me?"

"Umm... well here's a suggestion, how about you wait till we get there so you can find out?"

"Or you could just tell me."


Fine then be like that Rey, I will just sit here in silence and bore you to death. The car journey wasn't exactly long, but it felt like hours. Especially because we weren't talking, and just sitting there.

Soon, I realised someone familiar. I squinted to see more clearly and realised that it was Grandma, standing next to a massive lorry. I was about to turn to Rey, just as she pulled over and stopped the car. "Come on then, get off, we are here now," said Rey. I got out, and was immediately greeted with Grandma's warm hugs.

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