Chapter 6

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Helloooo im back!


Suho's POV

I haven't met Aby and I'm missing her really badly. We are preparing for our comeback and its tiring but for the sake of our fans, we're giving all we've got, dedicating our time to practice.

I texted Aby but she didn't reply. I sighed. "Hyung, what's with the dull face? You look sad and all. Are you not feeling well anywhere?" Sehun asked in concern. "I'm fine. It's just some personal stuff." I replied, smiling and patting his back.

"PERSONAL STUFF?! DOES IT CONCERN YOUR WEALTH?! If not I'm not gonna get any more Gucci bags from hyung.." Tao pouted. "Aish shut up panda tch..." Kris scolded. "duizhang~" Tao whined and clung onto Kris's arm. "Oh god let go of me!" Kris said but Tao didn't let go. I just laughed. (TAORIS shipper here?)

"It doesn't concern my wealth and I will get you a Gucci bag later. Okay? This panda..." I said. Tao's eyes immediately lighted up. "YES!" he shouted. Everyone laughed.

Aby's POV

Suho texted me. I opened it.

-How are you? From suho

I looked at it. Definitely not fine.. because of you..

I decided to ignore it and I threw my phone on the other side of bed. I hugged my knees and cried and cried. It was my mistake... I shouldn't have done those things.

I heard the front door open and i looked up. "Aby! Lets go to the hospital! C'mon!" Mom shouted. "Okay!" I replied and changed into comfortable clothes.

I went out of my room and we went to the hospital. We registered and waited for my turn. When my name was called, I went in with mom behind me.

{After the test and all}

I went back outside after thanking the doctor and sat down, waiting for the results. After waiting for what feels like hours, the results were out. I was handed a confidential envelope and I took the contents out. All the tests were negative. Except for the last one.

Pregnacy test: positive

I covered my mouth in shock and maybe joy(?) I was happy that i was carrying Suho's child but at the same time sad. If I expose it, Suho and EXO's popularity will go down. They worked so hard to come this far.

Mom looked at it and was happy. "I'm finally gonna get a grandson! Wahhh!" Mom exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes at her childish act. "Lets go! I'm hungry!" I said. She nodded and we left the hospital.

But when we were on a way to our favourite cafe, we bumped into EXO who were having their free time. I looked at Suho in shock. I quickly looked away to avoid eye contact. "Mom, lets go! I'm really really craving for tteobokki! Hahaha seems like I have frequent cravings for it. Lets gooo!!" I tried dragging her along.

"Okay okay lets go!" She chuckled. "But wait. Isn't that EXO? Which one is Suho? I want to meet him." Mom suddenly said. "Uhhh he's not here. So lets go pleeeaaasee!!" I pleaded, obviously trying to avoid Suho.

"Oh I see..." she said while walking while I held her arm and followed her. I feel blessed to have a gullible mother at times like this. (Sorry mom!)

Suho's POV

"Uhh he's not here. So lets go pleeeaaasee!!" Aby pleaded. D-did she just not acknowledge me?! I looked at her in shock. I wanted to go up to her but I couldn't. Her mom was there. I looked down at the floor. The guys don't know any of this except Baekhyun. Well, Baekhyun is dating of Aby's friend.

"What do you guys want to eat? Hyung's treat." I said. "Chicken!" Kai shouted. Everyone gave him the what-the-hell-look.

"Seriously? Chicken? Again?!" Kris said. "Yea. What's wrong? I gotta beat SHINee Onew hyung in eating chicken and get the chicken maniac title." He said with pride.

"Dream on" D.O said. "Hyunggg~~" Kai did aegyo on him. D.O jus rolled his eyes.

What a funny group I'm leading.. They started debating on what to eat and I just told them to make up their minds fast. We decided to get chinese food so we headed for the chinese restaurant nearby.

Aby... why are you avoiding me?

I questioned myself.




I guess this is the longest chapter for this ff? Haha

Wat will happen to them? Read the story to find out.

(Idk when i can update again)


Edit [180114]: made a few changes here and there :)

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