Special Chapter

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Special Chapter - The overprotective dad

No one's POV

"APPA! APPA! COME DOWN!" JunBi's voice could be heard from Suho's bathroom. He quickly got himself ready and went out. "Wae wae wae my precious daughter? Why do you have to shout so loudly." Suho smiled as he went down the stairs. "Now who is this guy?" The smile on his face faded as he became serious all of a sudden as he notice a guy beside her. "Annyeonghaseyo, Lee Taeyong imnida." Taeyong bowed. Suho looked at JunBi asking for an explanation why he is here.

"He's my boyfriend. I brought him home to introduce you to him." JunBi hugged Taeyong's arm and smiled sweetly. Just then, Aby walked came out of the kitchen. "Oh, who is this?" She smiled.

"Eomma, he's Taeyong, my boyfriend." Aby was shocked for a bit but then smiled. "I'll go and prepare refreshments, bring him to your room." She went back into the kitchen.

"Ne eomma!" And ever so happily the 17 year old pulled Taeyong into her room, leaving Suho standing there eyeing them as they went up. He then went to the kitchen.

"Aby, are you seriously letting a guy go into JunBi's room? We don't even know about him! You don't know what he's capable of, he may hurt Jun-" he was cut off by Aby.

"They'll be fine. He look like a caring and respectful boy. Don't worry." She patted his shoulders as she walk past him to go to JunBi's room. Suho heaved a sigh.

'I need to interrogate that boy.' Suho kept repeating it in his mind.

And Suho rushed into JunBi's room to see Aby talking to Taeyong.

"Taeyong, can I have a word with you please." He interrupted and left the room with Taeyong following behind. "Is there something wrong sir?" Taeyong was confused as to why Suho called him out.

"Tell me about yourself and I'll consider if you can date my precious daughter." And Taeyong told him everything honestly, while Suho thought hard. "If you hurt my daughter, make her cry, or do anything to her, I swear I'll kill you with my bare hands. You understand? I have yet to allow you to date her so don't get your hopes high." Suho gave Taeyong a glare before walking away, leaving Taeyong frightened as he scurried to JunBi's room.

"Why are you being so hard on Taeyong?" Aby followed Suho to the living room and sat down beside him on the couch. Suho scrunched up his face.

"I know you want the best for her but you have to learn to let go one day when she marries him." Aby continued.

"Don't even mention her marrying that Taeyong guy. I lost her for years and now you want me to let her go?" Suho faced Aby.

"That's not what I meant. I know you lost her for years due to complications but you still have to do that in the future. She seems pretty happy with him so why not you just accept Taeyong, on the account of JunBi's happiness?" She reasoned out.

Suho sighed in frustration. He doesn't know if Taeyong could be trusted. He had a gut feeling that he isn't someone good.

"Ok I'll think about it, on JunBi's happiness." Suho rubbed his face.

"Thank you dear." Aby gave Suho a kiss on the lips.

"Eomma! Appa! We're home!" The two boys burst into the house. They just came back from their soccer practice at school.

"Hello my boys!" Aby went to hug the boys despite them being sweaty and dirty all over.

"Appa, I saw a guy's shoes that is definitely not appa's. Is there someone else here?" Jae Jin asked. He was one observant boy.

And just then Taeyong and JunBi came out of the room. "Oh! Taeyong hyung!!" Jae Jin and Junhyung shouted and ran towards him.

"Oh hey kiddos! How was soccer? Did you win?" Taeyong lovingly ruffled his hair. "Yea we scored 5-2 in today's practice match!" Junhyung excitedly announced. "Great job! I'll treat you to a meal next time for your victory!" And the twins started jumping up and down, shouting in victory.

"But hyung, why are you here? Why are you with noona?" Junhyung being the dumb one, asked.

Jae Jin slapped his head. "Aigoo how can you be so dumb? It obviously meant they are dating."

"Ehyyy noona got a boyfriend ehyyy.." Junhyung teased JunBi, giving her a coy smile. "Yah, go to your room and get changed. Dirty boys." She was shy.

"Eomma, where is Anna?" Jae Jin asked as he ran up the steps. "Playing in her room I suppose." Aby replied. "Okay! Dongsaeng OPPA IS BACK!!" and a little girl ran out from her room. "Oppaaaaaaa!!!" She squealed and ran in full speed.

"Anna please be careful!" Suho was worried about her little princess. Suho witnessed the interaction between the boys and Taeyong and true enough, Taeyong seem like a mature, fun-loving and kind-hearted guy.

"Sir, I shall take my leave now. Goodbye." Taeyong bowed. "I'll send you out." Suho walked behind him. When Taeyong was outside, Suho announced, "I have decided to let you date my daughter. But you do know my conditions right don't you?"

"Don't make JunBi cry or hurt her. I'll bear that in mind sir." Taeyong smiled widely. "Good, anyways how do you know Jae Jin and Junhyung?" Suho asked.

"Oh, their coach is my dad so I frequently accompany my dad to watch and teach them as well. I must say the two of them are really good at soccer, sir." Taeyong explained.

"I see. Call me abeonim in the future." Suho gave a small smile.

"N-ne a-abeonim.. I shall take my leave now. Goodbye." Taeyong then left.

Suho closed the door only to meet an overly-happy teenage girl. "Thank you appa! For accepting him!" JunBi hugged him tightly. Suho patted her on the back gently. "If he does something to you, call me asap. Okay?" JunBi nodded.


And that is the end of the special chapter all you have been waiting for. Sorry for the late update.

Baekyeon shippers please read my Baekyeon edition of 'The Return Of Superman' and vote! I've updated a chapter.

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