Chapter 3 - The Negotiation

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"You can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs."

1st Person POV:

OptiSoft Studios of America, Los Angeles, CA, 90001, December 12th, 1992, 9:30 AM

As I sat there in Mr. Johnson's office, I realized it had been more than just a few minutes, unlike how he said. I'm a very patient person, so I didn't see any reason to be unhappy. Definitely a bit curious, but understanding of it. To pass my time, I decided to grab some blank print papers from my boss's printer. I figured since he wasn't here, this was good time to sharpen and refurbish pieces of my game concept.

I occasionally looked to the window to my left, and I saw a billboard with a bunny on it for some sort of game. He was like a cartoon character, with a red hat, and standing on his own two legs, too. His name was Ricky the Rad Rabbit, and his billboard was teasing a release date for his new game coming out, Handy Hare. Hmm, a rabbit combined with media...where have I seen this before? Ohhh, that's right. It was from my good old friend, Melissa. That's where it came from.

Melissa has been like a sister to me since middle school. We decided that we would try our best to get through life together, like the two peas in a pod we were. But on a deeper and intellectual level, I'd say she's my best friend. Since childhood, and for life. She helped me get through a lot of hard times, like my teenage anxiety, or bad past relationships. My life's been like the Grand Canyon, and she's always used a rope to pull me out of it. If it's anyone who deserves the world, it's her. I wish I could protect her from everything. I know I can't like she can, but for as long as I'll live, I'll tear down anything in her way.

A couple of weeks before this meeting, I remembered a funny moment during our lunch break. After we had finished our sub sandwiches, we had a lot of time left, since we were both fast eaters. We decided to doodle whatever came to mind. Animals, people, anything we were really thinking about. Just anything to past time, to be honest. After about five minutes, we decided to show each other our work. My drawing was a poorly executed sketch of Mr. Johnson. It was only black and white, and I exaggerated it to look like a caricature. His nose was small, his teeth questionably huge, and his ears like an elephant's. Her drawing, however, was kind of interesting. It was a rather detailed black and white sketch of Super Mario from the hit Nintendo games. Looked exactly how he does in the box art, but he had bunny ears. Just like the cartoons; two long and sharp ovals, the outside white, and the inside pink. They also seemed like they were an actual part of him, poking out of his hat. I was really impressed at her work, because I don't think I'd ever seen a famous character with animal trails prior to that. It looked really good, though.

"Y'know, I always said you should go to art school. This is fantastic."

"Christine, you already know my mother was an art professor. She taught me everything I'd learn at one and more."

"I suppose you're right. Graphic design and such is definitely up your alley."

My reminiscence was interrupted by the slight creak and wind of Mr Johnson's door opening, followed by a "k-toon" as it closed. To my unexpected surprise, It was Mr Johnson. He had returned sooner than I thought. I would've believed that he wouldn't be back for another twenty minutes, but this was really happening. I would've backed out last minute, but I didn't want to. For once in my life, I was taking a true risk. That star in me was seemingly shining. Confidence in adversity was not a feeling I was used to experiencing, but gosh, it felt wonderful. I was so proud of myself for doing what needed to be done for my progression. Mr. Johnson sat down in front her at his desk, spinning car keys around his finger, then shortly stopping.

"Christine, I apologize for being gone longer than you expected. The CEO of OptiSoft Inc. gifted me a White Mazda M5 as an early Christmas present. I had to go pick it up, because an offer like that was amazing." Mr. Johnson was always making sure he updated the CEO about us all the time, making him hold us to a higher standard than he would to the Europe and Japan locations. "I understand, I would've taken it up, too." A Mazda M5 in general is a great car to have, let alone be gifted one. "Ok, good. Now, tell me more about your concepts." Mr. Johnson leaned a bit forward with his fingers interwoven, focusing everything onto me. At that moment, it seemed like the surroundings faded to black. No office, no outside world, or any other things that shaped this world. Just me, him, the desks, chairs, my concept, and a light that shined over us. Had this negotiation been anywhere prior to this day, I would've backed out. But for that light inside of me, I didn't cower, or turn away. I wanted this; maybe even needed it. As the thought of my time coming now, I opened my folder of my concept, and began talking.

"Mr. Johnson, let's be real. You've seen how slow business is compared to our other locations. The holidays have barely helped what we've been trying to sustain here. We make the least revenue, and have the least consumers and investors."

"Definitely, Christine. I hope that it starts picking up soon, since Christmas is right around the corner."

"That's why I took it upon myself to form an idea. A concept that could change, well, everything here."

"I'm listening."

"You are aware of the game Super Mario Land, right?"

"Yes, that's the one that came out a few years ago on the GameBoy, right."

"Then imagine this. Mario's island is taken by strange lookalike, and he has to battle this mere copy to reclaim it. And with the help of a carrot, he's given these new abilities to push him through his journey."

"Very interesting concept, Christine. Have you created a name for it?"

"Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins."

"I see. Can I take a look at that folder?"

I handed him the folder, to which he investigated. As he looked through the papers, he nodded quite a few times, followed with some eyebrow raises and squints. He pulled two drawings that Melissa had drawn while raising an eyebrow, seeming like he was asking for an explanation.

"That one is Mario, who I've nicknamed the 'Golden Boy'. The bunny ears are the side effects of him eating the Carrot Power-Up. The other is Mario's sworn nemesis, who I've dubbed 'Wario'. He's meant to be Mario's evil cousin, everything he's not. His name is derived from 'Mario', and 'warui', a Japanese word meaning 'bad'.

"Melissa's work, I assume?"

"Correct; she's been my concept artist."

"Alright. Well, are there any other things you have to say?"

"No, sir. That is all."

Mr. Johnson reached his hand out to me with a proud smile on his face, showing respect.

"It's a deal, Ms. Hermer. I'm going to call Nintendo's headquarters tomorrow."

"A-Are you serious?"

"Very serious, ma'am. You've earned this."

"Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Johnson. You don't know how happy this makes me."

"You've helped this company a lot, and now it wants to help you back."

"Alright, boss. I'm going back to my cubicle."

"Alright, Chrissy. See you later."

Once I left that office, I had to tell Melissa. I walked over to her cubicle, whispering a "pssst" to catch her attention. "Hmm?" Melissa darted her eyes up to spot me. "Girl, you will not  believe what just happened," I followed up.

"What is it?"

"Mr. Johnson accepted my deal!"

"Oh, congratulations! Err...what was it exactly?"

"Melissa, that little game I was talking to you about earlier. I swear, you have the memory span of sand being washed by the ocean!" 

"Girl, give me grace. You know I always have lots on my mind."

"Right, my bad. I've been meaning to talk to you about something, too."

"Hm?" Melissa had now pushed her desk backwards, stopping her work. 

"So, about my game..."

"Yea, what about it?"

"So I sorta implemented your arts into the concept, and now I need an art director for my game...could you me?" 

"Uhh, sure; why not? I could oversee it."

"Okay, thanks, babes."

"Anytime, Chrissy."

And with that being said, it all kickstarted. With the coins, and characters with ideas; how could I discard it? I was practically leaping around, my heart filled with joy, and the anxiety in my mind was for now destroyed. And past the old things, I felt anew, and there was something better to go home to. It was set in stone for people to know my name, and Christine Hermer's best-selling game. 

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