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Cloud's POV

I saw a girl with (h/c) hair in a (f/c) outfit running from 3 men. I shrugged it off thinking it wasn't really life-threatening. Until I heard the girl screaming for help. That's when I started running trying to catch up with the men. I finally found them in an alley surrounding the poor girl. She was on the ground with her eyes closed not wanting to see any more of this nightmare.

I made a few steps that echoed throughout the alley. I stopped and yelled at them, "That's enough! You deal with me first before you get the girl!"

I saw her covered her ears now, maybe I frightened her? She then falls into a deep from the looks of it. Must've been a long day for her. She doesn't deserve to be harmed, what has she done wrong? Nothing I don't know of for now. The men turned abruptly and gasped knowing who I am. Am I that popular or something? I don't go out that much. They ran past me knowing they can't beat me. Cowards.

As they ran away, I walked up to the (h/c) girl and carried her bridal style to 7th Heaven (Is that what it's called? I don't remember.) Maybe Tifa can help me with the girl because she is a girl after all. Since 7th Heaven was only a block away, it wasn't too hard figuring out where I was exactly. I walked in with the girl still in my arms, still asleep.

Tifa welcomed me and asked, "Who's that? Here, I'll help you put her in one of the rooms." She led me to one of the rooms and helped me put the girl carefully on the bed.

Tifa walked out of the room doing other things while I hesitatingly touched her forehead to see if she's sick along with her tiredness. She's running a fever from the looks of it. I quietly walked out the room and shut the door quietly along with it.

Tifa was in her room finding clothes for the girl to wear since the girl's clothes looks like the same size as Tifa's.

Tifa then asked, "So what happened to her? Is she okay?"

"She was being chased by some men, and looks like she has a high fever. Are you getting clothes for you?" I answered.

"Yeah. I don't want to see the poor girl in that outfit; it's in rags now. I thought it would be nice to give her some of my clothes. Why don't you go get a damp rag for her fever?" Tifa said.

I walked out of Tifa's room and went to the bathroom for a rag and made it damp. I quietly went to the girl's room and carefully put the damp rag on her forehead trying not to wake her up. Her breathing was more even and relaxed shortly after I put the rag on her.

I decided to stay and wait for her to wake up so went to the bed next to her and slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about the (h/c) girl.

Hi my Summoners!!! Don't worry, I'll post later this week hopefully along with my other stories!

Check them out if you haven't read them! And let me know what you think of this story so far and guess what will happen next. I love it how people guess on what would happen next!!!

Anyway, please vote, comment, and tell others!

Ed: Wait, wait, wait! You forgot something important to do today!

Me: And that would be?

Ed: Picking who you like more! And it's me right?!

Me: No it's not! I never agreed on deciding in the first place!

Ed: Too bad cause you're going to tell me!

Cloud: Ed, leave Kat alone she doesn't want to be bothered. Unless you want to feel her wrath again along with GuinniDay They are both scary combined.

Ed: Fine! Only because I don't want to feel GuinniDay and Kat's wrath combined.

Me: Thank you. Finally PEACE!!!


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