Chapter Ten: Michiyo ☆

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Michiyo ☆

"Um, Lady Michiyo, why are we still here? Isn't this a private Club meeting?" Kate leaned towards me. We were sitting with most of the Host members at a table in the Club room, the guests having all left.

"It is, but seeing as you two are most likely going to be here often, we don't mind that you're here." The boy with glasses, Kyoya Otori, smiled a bit coldly.

"Ah, sorry." She looked down at her lap, her cheeks a bright red. My jaw twitched a bit at Kyoya's rudeness. I didn't like him much, he was always acting as if he knew everything. And he knew everything about everyone, at least what he could get his grubby little hands on. I hate people who stuck their noses in other people's business. It was called a private file for a reason. I glared at him, feeling protective over my friend.

"It's quite alright." He wrote something down in a black notebook, his glasses hiding his expression. I wonder what he wrote in that? Probably taking notes on everyone or something.

"Tono... stop eating peasants' ramen and help us make the final plans." Hikaru glanced at Tamaki, looking bored. Chihaya-chan tugged at his jacket, looking concerned. "We only have one week until the party."

"He didn't like it that Kasuga-hime took Haruhi?" Kaoru leaned his head on his hand.

"It's not like her illness just started." Kyoya stated, still jotting in his notebook.

"Huh?" Chihaya-chan looked perplexed.


"Illness?" Haruhi voiced my thought, looking confused.

""So called 'switching guys disease'."" Both my brothers lifted their hands to their shoulders, palms up. they looked like exact mirror images. ""Also known as the Host Club wanderer.""

I smiled, amused. I missed this. I jumped up and tackled my brothers. "Ooohhh! I love it when you two do that!" I gushed, rubbing my cheeks against theirs. "It's so cute!"

"Onee-chan! Come on-" Hikaru started, his cheek warm.

"-it's embarrassing!" Kaoru mumbled, his cheek also warm.

I pulled away to look at them and caught their smiles before they could hide them away. I giggled and ruffled their hair. "But I love it when you guys act cute like that!" My smile softened. "I missed seeing it."

Both their faces showed a bit of shock at my confession. "Really? But we thought-" Hikaru tilted his head to the right.

"-that you hated us." Kaoru tilted his head to the left.

My mouth dropped open in shock. "How could I hate you?! You two are my brothers! I didn't have much of a choice when I left." I looked at the floor. "Um, we'll talk about that later though." I smiled at them and gestured to their friends. "You're in the middle of a meeting."

I turned away and took a shaky breath. I thought they hated me. It definitely was not the other way around. I gulped, licking my lips. I was going to have to tell them. I got mum and dad to keep it from them for now, but only because I said I wanted to be the one to tell them I was sick.

I stood to the side as the hosts and Chihaya-chan all chattered. I was swept with a sudden bout of light-headedness, so I was trying to stand still and force it away. I was thankful when Kate suggested we leave for home. I was tired, and I wanted to lie down for a while.

Which is exactly what I did when we got home. I headed straight for my bedroom (down the hall from Hikaru and Kaoru's room and right next to Kate's), and changed into a pair of mint green short shorts and a white tank. I climbed into my king sized bed and curled up on my side, trying to ignore the anger that bubbled inside me.

It would not be ignored.

I hated that I was sick. The doctors couldn't figure out what it was. They've been running test after test, trying to find what it was. They ran CAT scans, MRIs, blood tests, everything they could think of. This damn sickness is what forced me back home to my parents and brothers. Not that I was complaining.

Tears pricked my eyes and I pulled my comforter up over my head. A dull ache was starting to throb in my skull, as if the illness was mocking me. The only good thing was that it wasn't contagious, so I couldn't pass it to anyone else.

"Lady Michiyo?" I heard Kate call, but stayed as I was. I felt a dip in my bed and suddenly my blanket was pulled away. I looked at my best friend with tears streaming, and she immediately pulled me up and to her, hugging me tightly. "Oh Michiyo... They'll figure it out." She knew why I was upset. She always did. She was more than just my best friend; she was my sister.

I clutched onto her, trying to hold back my tears. "Why did this happen?" I pressed my face on her shoulder. "Why me!?" A sob broke past my attempted defenses, and I cried hard. "It's not fair!!"

"I know. It's not. You don't deserve this." She held me close, stroking my hair. She didn't tell me that I would be okay. She didn't try to assure me that I would get healthy.

For all anyone knew, I would never be healthy again. Time was running out. The main reason I had come back to Japan was to spend my time with my family as much as I could.

Because the doctors in America had given me a year at most to live if they couldn't find a cure in time.

~A/N: I'd like to add, again, that I don't own OHSHC. Sadly. And enjoy this little bit of news Michiyo has shared. *sarcasm intended*

Thanks for reading! Let me know what y'all think! XD

This is probably going to be a very long story. It's ten parts in and I'm barely through chapter two of the manga...

Please stay with me as I write! I hope it's to your liking!


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