Andrew and I have been together for 3 years now. His arm wrapped around my waist as he stuck the key into the lock to the condo.
"Our new condo Baby girl" He smiled and kissed my head.
"I love you baby" I whispered and opened to door. Both of our mothers took it upon themselves to decorate and make our place liveable. I smiled and dragged Andrew to the couch for a movie marathon. After about Four hours of aimlessly watching CSI: Miami Andrew told me he was going to go get takeout for dinner, because unfortunatly the new condo didn't come with a Chief.
Roughly 1 hour later Andrew arrived with take out and a single rose.
"Hey Baby" I smiled greeting him with a kiss.
"Hey Princess" He smiled and set the table for dinner and then after you two decided to head to bed.
"Marry me?" Andrew mumbled in my hair.
"Marry. Me."

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