You lose a friend, you gain another- Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Libby Mae Hannigan

''It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.''

My hands began shaking with anger. Rage flowed through me. I actually couldn't believe my eyes. Is he fucking joking? DId he actually have the right to do that? My mind couldn't possibly process what he was going to say, or rather, what I was going to say when I saw him. Flo is supposed to be my best friend. How can she put her best friend, through all this pain? Is this what Harry thought when I said I didn't loved him? Is this what he wanted me to feel?

I trudged down the stairs until I reached the bottom. I greeted my mother, grabbed a slice of toast and headed out of the door. Usually I walked to school and met Flo, but considering 8 hours earlier I saw a picture of her kissing my boyfriend, I didn't really feel like it.

'You okay, Sum?' My mum asked me, concerned. The look on her face told me she knew something was wrong with me.

'Yeah.' I lied, before smiling falsely at her.

The car journey seemed like forever. The silence in the car didn't help. My phone was constantly buzzing, but I didn't care. It was probably Flo or Harry, apologising.

When we finally approached the school gates which read: 'Oxford high school', I sighed. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to talk rationally with the guy who was my boyfriend just a few hours previous, and I certainly didn't want to be the talk of the school, or wish for sympathy off anyone.

I don't know if it was my conscience or not, but it seemed everyone, and I mean everyone was staring at me. People I didn't even know the name of were asking if I was okay. 'Fine' I would answer simply.

I was talking to a friend, when I saw a few meters away, Harry and Flo walking, laughing. I locked eyes with him as he came to a halt. I turned to walk in the opposite direction, but he grabbed my shoulder causing me to wince.

'I don't have anything to say to you. I hope your happy with her.' I looked at Flo. She looked into every direction other than mine.

'Summer, please. You said you didn't love me? Just calm down.' Harry responded. My eyes began to water, I turned around, furious at what he had just said.

'Are you joking? You know Harry, if you'd actually came and spoke to me about this, rather than uploading a picture of you and my best friend kissing, then maybe I would have been a bit more calm. We were still together, so technically you cheated on me, and not only that, with my best friend no less. I thought better of both of you. I don't want anything to do with either of you.'

I angrily brushed my tears away. They both stood there, silent. At this point, there was a group of people gathered around wondering what was going to happen next. I pushed past the group of people to escape the two people stood infront of me.

I walked away from the situation trying to clear my brain of what had just happened. I didn't care if they were together. That was their choice. They meant nothing anymore.


Walking home, I blocked out the world by turning up my music so loud I couldn't hear my own thoughts. The song 'Dirty Little Secret' by The All American Rejects came on. 'Typical.' I muttered to myself.

I arrived home about ten minutes later. I tried to open the front door, but it was locked. I began searching through my bag when I realised I'd forgot my key this morning. Checking the time, I knew my mum wasn't going to be home for at least another 3 hours. Sighing, I sat down on the step and my eyes finally travelled across the street. There stood a tall stranger staring intently in my direction. His dark swishy hair blew in the wind and his bright blue eyes were pure and beautiful. Why is he looking over here? I'd never seen him before, but even from far away I could tell he was insanely attractive. Even more so then Harry.

I may have been mistaken, but I was almost sure he smiled before walking off down the street. It made my heart flutter at the thought of him even acknowledging me.

Maybe today wasn't so bad.


Hey, hey, hey! Hope you're okay :D I'm new at this but if you guys have any constructive criritism, please tell me in the comments! Vote and comment if you like c:

S xxxx

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