Moving school sorts everything- Chapter 3

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'Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.'

'What about Bradford High? I've heard nothing but good things from that place.' My mother had heard what had happened with Harry and Flo and INSISTED I look into moving school.

I sighed. Why is this all so complicated? I was expecting Flo, or Harry to text me, and I was slightly disappointed that neither of them had. Sure, I wanted my space, but I wanted to know that he was thinking of me, like I was thinking of him.

I jumped when my phone vibrated. Calmly I checked the sender. It was Emily, my friend. It read:

Hi S, how about we go out tonight? There's a party at Collin's tonight, I'll pick you up @ 8. xx

Hmm. Maybe that would take my mind of it. Besides, what else would I do all day... mope?

I trudged up the stairs to the tip which was my bedroom. I searched through the piles of clothes hoping to find something remotely decent. I finally decided on a silver cocktail dress with a bow in the middle. I brushed my hair, making me look less like a witch, and put on some mascara. Finally satisfied with my reflection, I grabbed by handbag and made my way downstairs.

To our disadvantage, we arrived after the party had started. This meant we walked into Collin's house which smelt like sick and booze. I must have seen about 20 people having sex. Lucky me!

We danced on the make shift dance floor to Nicki Minaj's 'Super Bass' before meeting with Libby and Tom. 

My body mentally shut itself down when I saw them. Harry and Flo that is. Together, walking over in my direction. 'That's my cue to leave.' I told Emily before pushing through the crowds of people, I wanted to get out of this party. 'I needed some air.' I told myself. Finally away from the party I was in one of the many bedrooms, on the balcony.

Surprisingly, I wasn't alone. There were two or three people in the corner. Even when I stumbled out onto the balcony they didn't realise. Possibly because of the amount of alcohol they'd consumed, or maybe because of the sheer size of the balcony. Maybe both. Nevertheless, I was glad I wasn't a complete loner.

The cool air did me good. It helped me focus on what I was going to do. God. What am I even doing here? I wanted to leave. I turned on my heel to leave before bumping into a tall stranger.

'Could my day get any worse?' I asked myself.

His husky voice laughed, 'You okay?' It made me jump slightly.

I couldn't get my words out, so I stood there, looking retarded. Great. Finally, I said: 'I-I a-am now.'

I recognised him, I told myself. Who is he? My thoughts questioned. You know that feeling when you remember someone from somewhere, but you don't know where? That was what I was feeling right then.

He smiled at me, showing his perfectly white teeth. He looked like a god. What am I saying?

He was a god.

'See you around sometime, beautiful.' I think my heart stopped.

I was salivating over him, I must have looked so attractive. Did he actually just call me beautiful? 

Recognition finally flooded over me. It's the guy. The tall stranger who smiled at me.


Hey everyone! You guys okay? If you're reading, and you think I could improve, I'd like you to tell me!

If you have any ideas for the story as well, tell me c: Vote and comment if you feel like it!

S xxxx

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