Strangers who aren't really strangers - Chapter 4

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''You sometimes think you want to dissapear, when really, you just want to be found.''

I got up from the wooden floor I was perched on, and stole a glance at boy I was going to marry. I muttered: 'Oh my god' before heading out of he double patio doors.

Finding Emily was such a mission, I actually felt like James Bond, except instead of guns and hot women, I had to avoid teenagers getting sick and slimeballs. Nice.

When I finally saw her, with her tongue down a guy's throat no less, I tapped her on the shoulder, and tapped my foot impatiently.  When she finally acknowledged my presence the words I made out were: 'Hun...Harry...speak...tree..lie'  Even drunker then I first thought.

I knew she wouldn't know I'd gone so I just tried to make my way out of this hell hole. Wondering if Harry was still here, I searched the crowds of people. I saw Flo, alone- I was genuinely suprised that Harrry would leave her. 

It's nothing to do with me, I told the devil in my head. Heading out of the house, and falling over numerous times took me in excess of about 10 minutes. I took a look at my phone, it was 3.21am. My mum was going to be pisseddddd.

I was trudging down the street, when I heard my voice being called. I turned around to the source of the voice. It was Harry. His hair was dark and styled, his green eyes were like earth tones, Even through his white t-shirt, you could see his abs. I don't mean to sound like a teenage, hormonal girl, but he looked hot. Really hot. Where was Flo?

I stopped in my tracks. God, this sure wasn't going to be easy.

'Sum, over the last few days I've missed you more than anything. I told Flo there was nothing there, and she understands.' He began walking closer to me, at this point we were 1m apart. My head was telling to run as far as I can, but my heart was telling me to close the small gap. 

'Harry, I love you. I do, but I don't want to be with you. This is so hard considering you're one best friend too,  but I know this is for the best.' I was proud that my words came out strong and confident. Why couldn't I talk like this infront of the hot stranger? Probably because I know Harry. Yes, I decided.

I could have sworn I saw steam come out of his ears. 'I broke things off with Flo for you, and you don't even want to be with me? Well you haven't got a fucking choice.' His words came out bitter, and spiteful- A side I'd never thought Harry even had. He stepped foward and gripped my shoulder. Wincing, he squeezed my flesh and dug his nails into my shoulder. My heart dropped, and my eyes began to water. 

'T-that h-h-hurts Har-' my setence was cut short, a voice was cutting me off.

The god.

I wondered if he'd followed me, or if he was walking home too. 

 He face looked paler than usual, and hands were fists. '' He spoke the words carefully and with ease. I could tell if it came down to it, he would win the fight over Harry anyday. 

Harry was still staring at me. 'I'm not down with you.' His spat, the words hurt. They really did. Maybe because I knew he was just angry because I didn't say I love him back. Maybe because I knew that Flo would take his side.

The god stood above me, extending his hand. I took it almost immediately. His hands were warm, and made my heart beat 100 times a second. 'I didn't think we'd be meeting again this soon. Especially not under these circumstances.' He laughed.

God, It was the laugh of an angel. I really questioned why someone like this, would even help plain, simple me. I did think the world was against me, but with the guy stood above me, I realised, I was the luckiest person on the planet. 

'I don't think we've properly met, I'm Summer, but my friends call me Sum.' Even the god looked suprised at my sudden outburst of confidence. 

'Nate.' he said simply, before smiling. 

Strangely, his name suited him, it was weird. It's like a knew more about him, but I just didn't know I did. 

Yet, I knew this was the start if a beautiful friendship.


Comment please:D  From S xxxx

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