Homosexual Pastors

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Letter to the editor

To the Editor:

Having homosexuals as Christian church pastors strictly contradicts the teaching of the Bible and is an ungodly influence to the body of Christ and all watching it. In Genesis 2:18-24 God creates Eve for Adam to be his companion and explains that "a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." This verse is obviously saying that a man and a woman are meant to and did marry—not a man to a man or a woman to a woman. Homosexuality is clearly unbiblical.

As a young girl I grew up in a Presbyterian church. My family moved to my grandfather's Baptist church before the Presbyterian churches voted to allow homosexual pastors. However, I am confident that had I grown up in a church with a homosexual leading the congregation, my Christian believes would have been greatly altered in this area. The same would be true for new Christians: would not a new Christian believe what the first church to nurture him taught him was true? Also, if a non-Christian heard that his local church now had a homosexual leading it, would he not scorn Christians for being hypocritical? For the sake of Christians of all stages and non-Christians alike, lead the church body with pastors who honor God and each other in this area, not with homosexuals.

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