chapter 3

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Ashley's pov

One week later

I wake up and look at the clock its 7:30 so i go downstairs to the kitchen and make eggs and bacon and toast when it's done i go upstairs to Kian's room and he's still sleeping so i kiss him then he wakes up i pull away

Kian"keep waking me up like that" he winks i blush

Ashley"i made food so wake the other boys" i walk downstairs and make plates then Ricky, Connor Jc and Kian walk downstairs looking so sleepy and their hair is all messed up it's adorable they all sit down i give them their plates and i give kian a kiss

They all say "thank you"

Ashley"you're welcome guys"

Ricky"we're having a party tonight you wanna come?"

Ashley"yeah totally but i'll need to stop by my place first then I'll come over" i sit on Kian's lap

Kian"wear something hot" he winks i blush deep red

Ashley"Kian" i squeaked out

Kian"you're so cute when you blush" he taps my nose making me blush more he kisses me i kiss back then Ricky clears his throat we pull away i forgot they were there i blush i get off Kian's lap Kian slaps my bum


Kian"i just had to" i go to the bathroom then i go out i here Ricky say something

Ricky"you really have a great girlfriend she's like a girl you"

Kian"i know it's only been a few days but i really like her"

Jc"sound like someone's in love"

Kian"that might be true i think i love her we've really bonded over the past few days" then i walk in they stop talking i walk over to Kian and kiss Kian i pull away and look into his eyes

Ashley"i heard you guys talking and i feel the same way" i kiss him he kisses back

Ashley"i love you to kiki"

Ricky"kiki" he laughed

Kian"it's her nickname for me"

Ashley"it's funny 'cause it's embarrassing"

Kian"you knows it's embarrassing?"

Ashley"yeah i know"


Ricky"the party's starting soon so we all should get changed"

Ashley"yeah i gotta go back to my place kiki will you drive me?"

Kian"yeah we'll see you guys later"

They all said bye we walk out to Kian's car we go into his car

Ashley"don't drive to my moms i don't live with her anymore" i gave him my new address we get there in 30 minutes we walk to my house i unlock my front door i take Kian's hand and take him up to my room

Kian"so you've got your own place now so you can do what you want" he winks

Ashley"i need to get changed and do my hair it'll be a little bit"

Kian"ok but i'm bored"

Ashley"wanna take a shower with me?" i wink we undress and take a shower we get out dry of and get dressed i do my hair i just wear i curly out of the shower and put on a tight red dress and red heels

Kian"you ready babe?"

Ashley"yeah I'm coming" i walk downstairs to Kian he smirks i blush

Kian"damn girl you look hot" we walk out to to his car and drive the O2L house when we get out of the car i see so many cars we walk inside and i see all of my favourite youtubers like Shane Dawson Joey Graceffa JennxPenn Lisbug Shanna Malcolm Jenn comes up to us

Kian"hi Jenn this is my girlfriend Ashley" she glared at me i don't think Kian saw i go to Joey and talk to him

Ashley"hi I'm Ashley I'm Kian's girlfriend "

Joey "I'm Joey"

Ashley"i know I'm a fan"

Joey"that's awesome i love meeting fans wanna picture?"

Ashley"sure" i took a selfie with him

Ashley"my best friend will be so jealous"

Joey"you're funny"

Ashley"thanks" then we talk for like 30 minutes then i say "see ya later joey" he gave me his number and i gave him mine then I go to the kitchen and get a soda i don't drink then i sit down on the sofa shane sits next to me


Ashley"hi I'm Ashley"

Shane"you're kian's girlfriend right?"

Ashley"yeah why?"

Shane"you might not want to look over there"



I'll continue what happens on the next chapter it's something bigish


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