chapter 14

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Ashley's pov

today i'm picking up my twin sister amy from the airport she looks just like me but she has brown eyes unlike my green ones and she has brown hair and is the same height as me and body shape we have the same style and we have almost the same voice hers is just a bit higher but you can't really tell unless you're talking to both of us at the same time i see her waiting near the doors i get out of my car and run to her and hug her she hugged back we squealed and jumped up and down after like five mins screaming we calmed down we walked to my car and put her bags in my trunk i started driving 

Ashley"so Amy how are you?"

Amy"i'm not to good me and my boyfriend broke up"she frowned  

Ashley"oh no this might be bad timing to tell you this but i got a boyfriend four months ago"

Amy"that's great i'm happy for you i hope i can meet him when i'm still here"

Ashley"yeah you will me and him live together with three other guys who are single btw"i winked she laughed

Amy"ooh are they cute?"she joked i nodded well they are cute before i know it were at the o2l house we got her bags and walked into the house and no-one was down stairs

Ashley"i'll go put your bags in the spare room ok you can make your self at home"she nodded i went upstairs and put her stuff in the spare bedroom

Amy's pov (yay new pov!)

i was kinda bored so i went to the living room and watched tv until that cute guy Kian from that youtube group Ashley likes came down and sat next to me

Kian"hey how are you?"he put his hand on my knee

Amy"good you?"

Kian"just doing the kian thing" he leaned in and i didn't really think about what was happening until his lips touched mine he has soft lips he bit my lower lip asking for an entrance i opened my mouth his tongue moved all around my mouth and i did the same we heard a gasp and something drop and break

Ashley"Kian!Amy!what are you doing!?" we pulled away and saw Ashley looking mad and shocked and her phone on the floor kian looked at me and ashley confused 

Kian"what...the...fuck?"he looked at me and ashley again 

Ashley"why are you kissing my sister?"

Kian"i didn't know she was your sister you two look exactly alike"

Amy"Ashley i'm so sorry i didn't know he was your boyfriend"

Ashley"you can not kiss random guys you don't even know"

Kian"wait who is this?"

Amy"i'm amy her twin sister"

Kian"well i guess now we're even"he mumbled loud enough for us both to here she looked even madder when he said that 

Ashley"did you really just say that!?"

Kian"well now we really are even!"

Ashley"you said you forgave me and connor and we just got back together like a month ago!"

Kian"well i have a right to be mad you kissed one of my best friends!"

Ashley"you kissed my sister!"

Kian"you kissed Connor first and i thought she was you so i didn't really know who i was kissing you knew who you were kissing!" 

Ashley"well he was the one who was taking care of me when i was sick and who wasn't!?that's right you you were out partying and probably cheating on me with Andrea anyway!"they both looked really mad and i just sat there awkwardly 

Kian"why would i cheat on you with Andrea?!i don't even like her anymore i love you!"

Ashley"well i love you too!"he got up walked over to her and pushed her onto the wall and kissed her roughly she pulled on his hair he moaned into the kiss i went to the kitchen 'cause i didn't want to see that i got an arizona and started drinking it then a guy about my height came in with no shirt 

guy"hay ash-"i cut him off

Amy"i'm not ashley i'm amy her twin"

guy"ok then you probably don't know who i am i'm Connor"

Amy"i'm Amy wait i said that already"he laughed he is really cute and he has green eyes and brown hair 

Connor"you guys look so much a like it's cool i wish i had a twin"


Connor"for twin pranks"

Amy"twin pranks?"

Connor"yep twin pranks"we laughed 

Amy"maybe me and Ash can help you with that"

Aonnor"maybe so are you visiting?"

Amy"yeah i haven't seen ash in i think a year"i frowned 

Connor"yeah i haven't seen my brothers and sister in a while they live in Minnesota so i don't see them alot"

Amy"me and Ashley grew up there then few years ago she moved here"

Connor"would you like to go on a date with me?"

Amy"yeah sure"

Ashley's pov

me and kian are kissing roughly i tugged on his hair he moaned i lifted my legs up and wrapped my legs around his hips he picked me up and walked upstairs to our room and you can guess what happened  

(skip to after)

he laid next to me 

Kian"are you still mad at me?"

Ashley"kinda but you didn't know she wasn't me so i forgive you"


Ashley"so we should tell the other guys about my sister so they don't get confused if they see me and her"he nodded we got dressed and walked downstairs and we saw Amy and Connor making out i cleared my throat they pulled away and blushed 

Ashley"i see you met Connor"

Amy"oh so that's his name"


Amy"i'm kidding"

Ashley"so Ames do you wanna meet the other guys i think Sam and Trevorwill be over later"she nodded i took her upstairs to Ricky's room i knocked on the door

Ticky"come in"i went in 

Ashley"hey Ricky i have someone i want you to meet"

Ricky"ok"my sister walked in he looked confused

Ashley"this is my twin sister amy and this is Ricky"they hugged 

Ricky"hey how you doin'?"he winked she blushed i nudged her arm

Ashley"sorry Ricky she's taken by connor"

Ricky"got anymore sisters?"

Ashley"sorry but no we're the only kids"

Ashley"we'll see you later bye Ricky"we waved bye so did he we walked to Jc's room and knocked on the door 

Jc"come in"we walked in and he looked confused just like the other guys 

Ashley"Jc this is my sister Amy amy this is Jc"they were about to shake hands when Jc kissed her hand she blushed i gave him a look and he let go of my sister's hand i'm vary protective of her and with her last boyfriend i trusted him but it took a while but luckily i trust Connor he'd never break her heart painfully like by cheating 

shley"Jc she's dating Connor"

jc"well that's to bad 'cause you're really pretty"

Amy"thank you"

Ashley"we'll see you later"

Jc"bye twinners"we laughed and walked out 


hey people of wattpad sorry if this is to long this chapter has 1269 words so yeah that's alot 


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