chapter 16

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(this next couple parts are Christmas i skipped the other parts so yeah)

Ashley's pov  

it's two weeks before christmas and i got something sexy for kian it's a sexy Santa outfit at victoria secret it has a santa hat and white sleeves and a short dress with white bow and red stockings  (AN pic on the top) i put on socks, UGGS, and a big night shirt and went downstairs and saw Amy, Kian, Ricky, Jc, and Connor watching tv and Amy lives with us so yay

Ashley"hey guys"

"hey" all said i sat next to Kian

Ashley"i have something for later that will defiantly put you on the naughty list"i whispered in his ear he looked interested i winked at him 

a few hours later

i put on the santa thing and told Kian he could come in the room now when he came in he immediately locked the door and kissed me i kissed back we went over to the bed he got between my legs and took off his shirt and kissed me again i kissed back and took off his pants he took off my bottoms and his boxers and thrusted into me i bit my lip to hold in a moan but it didn't work 

Ashley"oh my god kian!" he thrusted harder into me i moaned kinda loud 

Ashley"kian i'm gon-"he cut me off

Kian"me too"we came he pulled out and layed next to me i cuddled up him and put my head on his bare chest 

Ashley"hey kian?"


Ashley"did you like the santa thing?"

Kian"yeah it was hot"

Ashley"thanks we should probably get dressed"

Kian"how about we get dressed and cuddle?"

Ashley"ok"i put on underwear and one of his shirts he put on his boxers we layed back down i put my head on his chest 

Ashley"we should watch tv"

Kian"i like talking to you"(AN if you remember that you get ten points)

Ashley" can we watch neflix?"

Kian"yeah what do you wanna watch?"

Ashley"if i stay"

Kian"what's that?"

Ashley"it's a movie but i don't wanna ruin it"

Kian"ok"he turned it on and by the end we were both crying 

Ashley"did you like it?"

Kian"you didn't say it was so sad"

Ashley"yeah but it was good tho right?"he nodded my eyelids started getting heavy i closed my eyes and fell into a deep dreamless sleep

Kian's pov

i heard light snores from Ashley i moved her out of my arms and put on sweat pants and went downstairs and put on the tv and went on my phone and looked at Ashley's Instagram and liked some of her pictures then i made a video for superkian13 and edited then uploaded it then watched a movie and fell asleep

Ashley's pov

for the past three weeks i've been sick like trowing up and being tired but today i fell better but still kinda sick i'm going to my doctors and i gotta go get everyone there gifts i went to the mall and got Jc some beanies Connor some sunglasses Ricky some more bracelets Amy the phone case she's wanted Kian i still don't know what to get him Trevor i got him beats Sam i got him beats to i payed for all the stuff which was like $1,000 but whatever i love them so it's worth it i drove to my doctors and waited until my name was called i went into the room and waited for my doctor she came in

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