Kat Ruines

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(Play off of the name my friend came up with. Credit to her)

After I had laid Raze to rest I made my way back to the front gate and there was another girl. Her hair a bright blue and skin pale as snow, her sobs echoed through the trees. "Why hello there." I said in a cheerful tone. She looked up, and I was shocked. Her eyes matched her hair. "Will you help me? My owner Ryleigh she's in the hospital, I need to get back to her." She stood, and her sweater was a little dirty and torn. I smiled "I'm sorry to tell you but Ryleigh doesn't need you anymore."  Terror filled her eyes. "I'm at the cemetery aren't I? I've heard about this place." I nodded and opened the gate for her to come in. "Please I don't want to die. Assign me to another child anything but death." She pleaded as we walked. I shook my head "I'm sorry dear, but this is your final day. Once you're here you usually don't get another life. " I brought her to the well. "Lay down please." I said dully. She was still crying as she laid down. "You'll be okay. Here you will be remembered and loved." I said pushing her head down.

Kat's pov.
"Raleigh! Can you hear me! I'm here." I was holding her hand, and lightly shaking her shoulder. But she wouldn't answer. We haven't played for awhile but she occasionally would ask about me. "please wake up!  im here just one last time." I placed my hand on my forehead. Her mother came in and I stood in front of her "please Mrs. Ruines answer me! Is she okay!!"  I yelled so Loud but she walked through me. The doctor came behind her. "even if she does wake up from the coma, she went remember anything from her past. " he said looking at charts. I fell to my knees and screamed in pain. I felt my heart break. My only friend, the one who created me.. Will no longer believe in me...

Narrators pov.

Her memories were adorable. Raleigh, loved her so much. But with being ill the memories faded. Kat shot out of the water gasping for breathe. "calm down its okay."  I reassured her. "she... Died." Kat said hugging me. I was surprised at her sudden affection but hugged her back. "it will all be okay. Follow me so we can prepare you for your rest." I lead her to the repair  bench. " would you like a new sweater?" I asked pulling out a rack. "sure..." she said quietly. "pick what you want, I'm going to go prepare your grave."  I began walking down the paths looking for a good grave for her. I found one near mine. I spray painted the headstone with her name. After I fixed up the casket I made my way back. "If it's okay, I took a couple extras and some shoes." She held out what she had. I smiled "of course take, what you want. We get shipments every week. Come now we must lay you down."  She folded her new clothes and put them at the bottom of the casket and laid down. "Rest in peace. I'll wake you for the party." I closed her casket and went back to the gate.

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