A death fit for evil.

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I felt the dagger move through his skin and flesh. He wasn't far from my face. His eyes were wide. I gasped but held tight to my knife. He looked down placing his hand on mine. "W-why..." he croaked. William fell to his knees and I let go of the teal colored knife. As he fell I watched his form change. No longer was he tall and muscular but small and frail. His eyes went from blood red to a light grey. His hair from black to blonde. His clothes changed to. He was wearing t-shirt and jeans. William wasn't the dark monster he was but the boy our creator once made. 

I kneeled down and smiled through the tears forming in my eyes. I recognized my best friend. "I'm so sorry William but you lost yourself when she died. This is the only way I could've saved you. Please forgive me." I started crying and watched him fade away. All that was left was the necklace he wore. A silver heart with a rib cage around it and my dagger on the ground. I sniffled picking up both objects. What am i going to do now?  Looking around I felt alone. William was evil, yes, but he inside he just wanted to be set free. Did I do the right thing?  Instead of just standing there I ran to my grave to put the objects away. 

I returned to the party and pretended nothing had happened. I watched as everyone was joyous and happy. Kat, who didn't seem to talk, was chatting with Raze and another friend. Seeing all the familiar faces I didn't feel so alone. I looked up to the balcony and saw Ryan. He looked upset. I smiled and made way up there.

"May i have this dance?" I asked snapping my fingers to change the music. Ryan turned at looked at me with a smirk. "You came back?" he asked. I nodded. "Good. But instead of dancing I have a a few questions." I shrugged "Ok, how about we go for a walk in the rose garden then." Ryan seemed pleased with that and followed me.

We made it to the rose garden unseen and I realized I hadn't been here for a while. "What are your questions Ryan?" I asked keeping up with his pace. "What's your name?" 

Authors note: Hello everyone. I know I have promised many times that I would update things and create stories. I have been going through some hard times at home and haven't been able to write a lot. I apologize for that and am now back to create stories. You all seemed to enjoy this one so I decided to continue it. If I'm wrong please let me know. Also I would like you all to help write poems for my poem book. I will pick 3 poems to go in the book. Submit them to me through messages or in the comments. Thank you all for supporting my stories and me. Love you all!

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