Ryan and whisper.

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On my way back I kept seeing a shadow from the corner eye. I started jogging to the gate, who ever is here isn't friendly. I managed to make it to the gate in time for a new arrival. "Oh hello little friend." It was a dog. He looked sad. I let him and was locking the gate when I heard laughter. I slowly turned around "boo." I yelped and fell back but didn't hit the ground. "what the.." I looked to see what caught me but was met with a who rather than a what. He set me on my feet and had a grim smile. "im Ryan please to meet you." I blinked a few times to make sure I saw him correctly. He was basically human. No odd features besides the fact his eyes glow. He has black hair like pitch black, and was pale. "and you must be the keeper."  I nodded. "uh... You know youre dead right?" I asked. He chuckled "yeah I've known for years."  I felt something hit my leg, the small dog was now large. And now a dark shadow. "this is whisper." Ryan said petting him. "Well if you've been dead for years how come you've never came here?" I asked. I kept losing my train of thought. "cause my owner forgot about me after he turned 12, so I went a little," he disappeared. I looked around and a chill was sent down my spine. "dark." he said in my ear. I spun around and he was so close to my face I could feel his cold breath. "youre so jumpy. " he chuckled. I stepped  back a bit, giving a nervous smile. "well since im a dead imaginary friend, do I get a grave?" he asked. "uh... Y-yeah. Follow me." I quickly walked down the paths searching for a good grave for such an evil, hot, friend. There was one next to mine and I spray painted his name. "what about whisper? " he asked hopping in. "oh there is a graveyard made for them. He'll be ok I promise." I turned and looked at the shadowy dog with a smile. He wagged his tail, and licked my hand. I pet his head and looked back at Ryan. "uh.. Ok then. Be good boy. " he then closed the casket. "ill wake you for the party. " I said loudly. Whisper barked at me happily. I  giggled at the dog. "maybe you arent so bad. Come on boy." I then started jogging toward the pet cemetery. 

We stopped at a dog house and I knelt down to paint his name. I put a lot of time into it. And made a beautiful design. "Whatcha think boy?" I asked. He yipped and pounced on me licking my face. "down boy down!" I laughed. He stepped back and sat down. "you wanna help me set up the party?" he barked.

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