Chapter Nine:

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I wake in the morning to the soft murmurs of Luke on my shoulder, his breaths coming out in soft whisps. His grip is pretty tight on me. I go to move but my head shutters against my skull. I collapse back down and cradle my head in my hands. I blame the wine that ran in my veins all night. I finally go to wiggle out of his grasp when he begins to speak.

"Its Saturday, El. Why are you getting up?" He groans into the pillow I slept on. I giggle and stand, stretching my arms over my head. I look down to see I'm wearing my night gown.

"Luke did you put me in this?" His head pokes up from the bed and then goes crashing back down after he sneaks a peek.

"Yes. I did not want you to destroy your new dress with your violent sleeping." I blush and move towards the bathroom.

"I do not sleep violently." I scoff taking a washcloth to my face, removing the left over makeup I will most defiantly put on again. I hear a shuffle of sheets and I see Luke walk over to me in the huge wall mirror in front of me. He places his hands around my stomach and his chin on my head.

"You do, but I don't mind." He mumbles. I shake my head and walk into my room, feeling Luke follow me. I stand in front of the wardrobe, trying to decide what to wear. Luke stands and walks over to the window and sighs.

"They are already outside. These people have too much control--lounging around my garden." He grumbles, placing his hands on his hips. He walks over to the wardrobe and stands beside me. He snatches a pristine white sundress that stops right above the knees.

"Get dressed and I'll meet you outside in the garden later." I frown as he makes his way towards the door. "Louis should be there." I roll my eyes and wiggle my body into the dress. I gasp and twirl. It's so light compared to the other dresses I've been wearing.

I braid my hair, smoothing down each platelet as I stare out the window watching the guests mingle in the sunny garden. I see Luke walk out and head straight to his father, a scowl printed on his face. I sigh and stand, finally finished. I put on a pair of white flats and step out into the hallway.

"Where is Harry's room?" I say looking to the man that guards Luke's door, Jacques. He raises an eyebrow at me, but continues anyways.

"Second floor, five doors down on the left." He says motioning his hand down the hall. I nod and walk down the winding hall until I am greeted with the staircase. I follow the winding stairs to the next floor, turning left I count.

"One, two, three, four, and five." I sigh standing in front of the door. I take a deep breath, smooth down my skirt and press two short knocks on the door.

"Coming!" A muffled voice announces from the other side of the door. The door swings open to reveal Harry standing in only a loose pair of briefs. I blush and stare down at my feet.

"Yes?" He asks grimly. I wince at his tone and look up.

"I'm curious." I frustratingly let my hands fall erect to my sides. "But if you are not ready to share I'll leave." I spin on my heels and go to leave, but he catches my wrist before I can leave.

"I'm sorry I had forgotten about our talk..." He grasps at the back of his neck. "Please do come in." I sigh and follow him into his room. The room is almost an identical pair to Luke's, but there is no personality. There is only a small portrait of a girl on his bedside table. The sheets, walls, floor and furniture are all a stark white.

Harry pats the bed beside him. I sit and stare at the painting. The girl is beautiful. Large round brown eyes. Dirty blonde hair set in a intricate bun on her head.

"Who is she?" I ask breathlessly. He stares along with me.

"She is--was my wife." He whimpers. "Josephine. She died of sickness a year ago."

"Is she why you are a prince?" I say quite critically. I didn't mean to be so blunt but curiosity gets the best of me and my words.

"Yes she is." The more I look at the girl, the more I realize she looks remarkably like Liam. "We were married and happy. So utterly happy. We lived in the palace and took trips to my house in the summers. She wanted a baby girl, I wanted one too. She cannot bear children though. Sometimes I think that her sadness made her sick. When she found out her body couldn't handle a child, she became ill quickly. She wouldn't eat, rarely slept. Until one night she was gone. I tried. I really did. I begged her to eat, dragged her to bed. She refused. She lost everything when the first child she tried to bear died inside her. It broke her." He pauses, dragging the back of his hand on his cheek.

"We met at the orphanage where I helped take care of the children. She saw me working with kids and she expressed how much she wanted a child. Her love with kids was so beautiful. However her father wouldn't take into account to adopt any of the children. He didn't wish to 'ruin royal blood'". He chuckles. "I'm still surprised he let us wed--probably because Liam was the heir, but that is beside the point. That day was a fantasy. She was so beautiful. I only had her to myself for two years. I didn't take it well--her death of course. I laid with women who would dream of being with a prince, then set them on a curb. I drank until I would stumble to the King and ask him to kill me. Little did I know the King didn't handle any of this well. He just hid it better than I did. We found him in the east river."

"Harry I'm so sorry..." I whimper holding only his hand. He gives me a small squeeze.

"A neighboring land took control of our land after Queen Payne found King Hemmings. She let me stay, she knew I loved her. I still love her. I will always love her." He looks over at me. "They all stared in hatred. Half accused me of killing her, some said suffocation--others said I had poisoned her. Don't listen to their jealous words, don't listen when their envy burns in their voice. They don't understand and they never will."

We sit in silence. Our breaths both struggling. I can tell he's trying to contain himself, not making eye contact with me or anything besides his feet.

"I should go join Luke in the garden." I pause to stand. I look down at Harry as he leans his head down to hide his face in a tangle of curls. "Thank you for telling me all of this. You are so strong. We are all here for you." I gently kiss his head and walk out the door. As soon as I do my body doubles over, sending me into a fit of tears. I cup my head in my hands. I release all the emotions he has given me in a few minutes, then I stand and walk down the hallway with my shoulders pulled back and my head high.


soooooo saddd I cried. so yeah wtf. poor Harry tbh I'm a monster stop me now.

kayyy love you guys. hope you enjoy this short ass sad af chapter <3

Ellie's Garden //  luke hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now