Chapter Fifteen:

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Knock, Knock

The two brief sounds on the door hang in the air. I stand waiting, letting more thoughts rip through my mind. I push them away as soon as I hear the doorknob move. My body freezes, making my muscles ache all at once. The door swings open leaving me standing in the cold with my jaw on the floor.

Michael looks really good. His brown hair is fluffed over like he has been sleeping on it. His bare chest and ripping muscles make Luke's look childish. While Luke has a tall frame, Michael has been worked in fields leaving him bronze and carved.

"Ellie." He breathes out, his eyes wide. I wipe a stray tear off my cheek with the back of my hand. "Hi--I uh--would you like to come in?"

I nod and he holds the door for me to slide past him. I sigh, adoring the comfort of the small cabin. No cold palace walls. I bounce down onto the small couch and grip a small pillow, holding it to my chest.

"Um would you like a drink?" He asks grasping the back of his neck. I nod again and hug the pillow tighter. It smells remarkably like him, the sweet smell of the fields.

I hold it closer and think more about what I'm about to do. I've never noticed it before, but now that I've had all this time to go over the reality of relationships, I know that he was always there for me. But coming back months later to ask this seems absurd. I'm leaving Luke, a luxurious castle, and the possibility of love somewhere down the line. But maybe, just maybe, I'll find real love right now instead.

Michael walks in holding to glasses. He sets one on the table and hands the other to me. He cautiously sits next to me, shivering a bit, he tugs a blanket around his body. I wonder how he fell asleep without a shirt on.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here..." I chuckle nervously after I set the glass next to his on the table. He gulps and nods. He's nervous as am I. "Probably should tell you some other stuff first."

He stares at me with his wild green eyes, looking equally nervous and anxious. I sigh and turn to face him on the couch.

"I know I ran off. I know I went away with some man I barely know. No, before you ask, he didn't hurt me. We just had nothing in common besides our lack of a mother. I went over this stupid thought for hours Michael. I left the castle and was almost killed by a scared and hungry boy. That's where my eyes were finally opened. I don't belong there, and I never have. I belong here, in a small little cottage with someone who cares about me. I can't live in a palace full of lies and power hungry men. I can't stay there any longer. Of course it's not as bad as being beat at home, but what if my mom did leave because of me..." I've never said that allowed. Nor has it ever been an actual thought in my head. I mentally slap myself for letting such a strange, random, petty thought come out during this serious of a conversation.

"You know that's not true, Ellie." He says grabbing my cold hand, making sparks fly up my arm and sends flutters into my stomach.

"I know that was a stupid thing to say I'm sorry. I don't know why that came out Michael." I sigh and run my other hand through my hair. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

"Do you want to continue?" He whispers running his thumb over my band. I nod and let out another shaky huff of breath.

"My whole life I lied to people about why I got that cut or that bruise. But I always had one person that I could tell everything. Michael, I don't know why I left. Maybe it was fear or just wanting freedom. But I do know is that I shouldn't have left. I should've stayed. Its taken me years to realize this, but Michael Gordon Clifford...I think I love you." I whisper, my voice cracking. I look up to Michael with tears in my eyes. He moved his hand from my hand to my cheek.

"Ellie," He whispers, his face getting closer and closer.

"Yes?" I whisper back, letting a few more tears run down my face.

"I don't think you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that." He cups my face and kisses me. I latch my hands behind his head, still crying as ironic as that was. I was happy, blissfully. His hand move from my face to my waist, pulling me closer to him. He pulls away slightly, rubbing a thumb over my cheek.

"You're crying." He whimpers. "Why?"

I wince, knowing my reaction to our first kiss isn't going to be easy to explain.

"I'm in trouble Michael. I upset the king. He wants my head on a platter. I have to go back. I have to make things right with Luke. Then I will return. I promise you I will return." I say rubbing my eyes, ridding them of tears. He just stares blankly at me. I sigh and kiss him again.

"Please don't go back to him." He whimpers against my lips. I wince again, I've never heard such desperation in in his voice. I sit back on my heels and stare up at the broken boy in front of me with my equally broken eyes.

"I promise." I whisper. Then I think back to our conversation before. Years? He's liked me for that long? "Michael, how long have you liked me?"

He looks over to me as if he's flying back in time. He lets a small smile and grabs my hands.

"Ellie Wren, when we were in primary school I found a little notebook on a desk next to me. It had a picture of a man with a whip, and in perfect cursive below wrote a poem--a beautifully horrid one at that." He clears his throat, making his chest prominent as if he's a royal announcer.

"He sees me as a child,
One to mock,
But I see him as a father,
I guess that's why I can't fight back,
I love him but he doesn't love me."

He speaks those words as if he was the one to go through it, making me once again cry.

"You remembered a poem from primary school that was over 5 years ago!" I cry out, he clamps his hand on my mouth to stay quiet. I tense up realizing I may have just woken his family. We wait for a second, but then he continues.

"Yes, I did. This made me follow you to your house everyday, and to pick you up everyday. I felt protective like an older brother, but I started to fall for you. When secondary school started you wanted to get closer to Calum, saying you were finally ready to try to date him, it tore me to bits. I accepted it there I was in love with you, and even more so when I held you after he turned you down. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before, and I'm so sorry I don't have a palace to hide you from your father because Ellie I wish I did. I wish I had an entire kingdoms to hide you from the pains of life, but darling I cannot. But I will always be by your side." He grips my hand tightly, his words still ringing in my head.

I deserve this. I always have. I just need to get back and fix everything going on in the palace, then I can leave. Then we can have a life together.

"Forever and always." I say standing and motioning him to hug me. He sighs and gives me a bear hug, desperately clinging onto me. I peel him off, lead him towards the door.

"Forever and always." He sighs kissing my cheek. "Stay safe my love."

I nod and give him a bone crushing hug before I wrap myself tightly in my cloak and walk off into the night.


holy poop I'm ready. You ready? I'm ready. Okay another short ass chapter but they will get better I swear to baby Jesus <3

You guys are all amazing like people actually want to read what I write omg. Okay. I need to shut up now and stop banking. Kayyyyy love you all

(Oh and Lellie? Or Mellie??)

Ellie's Garden //  luke hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now