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My feet pounded against the track, the sun barely in the sky before me. Wind rushed through my hair as I ran towards the light. I ran away from all of my problems and all their solutions and all the unanswered questions I had asked years ago. All the questions that were nagging at me now. All the things running across my mind, and I ran away from them. 

Across the field, and alarm went off, signaling that it was time to stop running. I jogged over to my phone, stopping the alarm then headed to the school locker rooms. 

- - - -

I was the last person to walk into the English classroom, a few minutes late. Kian grinned at me as I sat behind him, tapping his shoulder to find out the news I had missed. He rolled his eyes but wrote it down as the teacher started a lesson no one cared about and passed out a sheet of vocabulary words. 

Evanescent, adjective, soon passing out of sight, memory or existence or quickly fading/disappearing

Exquisite, adjective, beautiful or finely detailed

Flummoxed, adjective, bewildered or perplexed

Opulent, adjective, lush or luxuriant

Resplendent, adjective, bright or radiant

Tenacious, adjective, strong or unyielding

Adoration, noun, a deep love and respect

Cynosure, noun, a focal point of admiration

Love, noun, an intense feeling of deep affection

"This week's vocab all fall under the category of 'most beautiful words'. I expect you all to know the spelling, part of speech, and definition by Friday, which is when the quiz will be..." Mrs. Klein said in a dull voice. In front of me, Kian was staring at his paper hopelessly. I sighed, but figured I would have to start studying today to know any of them. Mrs. Klein continued to drone on about the format of the quiz, which would be the same as all the other vocab quizzes we had taken.

Want to play the sentence game? I wrote on a slip of paper and passed to the brown haired boy next to me. 

The sentence game was a game we had made up to pass the time - one person started by writing a sentence using the first word of our vocab, then passed the paper over. The next person had to continue the story that the first sentence started using the next word, and so on. Once we ran out of words, we had to use two words in one sentence, and then three in one sentence, and then we kept going until it became impossible. We were probably using them all wrongly, but it was entertaining. After a second, Troye was grinning, scratching his pencil against the scrap of paper then passing it back to me while I pretended to be interested in the quiz format. (Troye's handwriting is underlined and Connor's is italics. If you're on mobile then Troye's is normal and Connor's is italics, I think)

Sure. I'll start. Some kinds of love stay forever, but others are EVANESCENT.

But however long it lasts, love is EXQUISITE - beautiful. 

I found myself FLUMMOXED by this, because the only love I had ever known always ended in the way that all things end: quickly and harshly.

All the love you had known was OPULENT and I wanted that, in general I suppose, but mostly with you.

While we had it, our love was RESPLENDENT - it warmed every cold night and made every beat of my heart worthwhile.

It was TENACIOUS and unbreakable, until one day it wasn't anymore.

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