
978 67 6


I was lounging on the couch watching American Horror Story when Troye came waltzing in and settled down beside me.

"What episode is this?"

"Welcome to Briarcliff," I told him before pausing it and turning to face the blue eyed boy. "What's up?"

"Here to collect Connor so we can head over to Kian's."

I smirked. "You guys have fun over there."

He rolled his eyes. "Yup. You and Cas coming?"

"He might be but I'm not - history project," I said, sighing. "Hannah and I haven't even started yet."

He frowned, his eyebrows raised and forehead crinkled. "Isn't it due tomorrow?"


There was silence for a minute. "Hey Troye?" He looked over at me, questions in his eyes. "Has Connor...talked to you about, um, how me and him haven't really been friends as of lately?"

"No, not really. Why?"

I sighed, heart heavy. "Well we haven't, and I just, thought maybe he would have some sort of regret, pushing me away. I - I just miss having my brother also be my best friend, and not just be this kid who lives in the bedroom next to me."

"I'm sorry, Em." And he genuinely did seem sorry, even though he hadn't done anything. He's a lot like Connor that way - that he always takes the things that go wrong personally. "Maybe, I don't know, just talk to him again?"

"Tried that." Well, sort of, but it was hard, okay?

He thought for a moment. "Leave a note for him."


"Me and him, we pass notes all the time during school. You could just leave sticky notes around the house for him, little reminders and things. He always forgets his science notebook in the morning, if that helps," he said, winking. "Well, have fun with that, and your history project," he laughed, standing up as Connor came bounding down the stairs. "You ready, Con?"

"Yeah. What're you talking about?" He asked, looking between us.

"Nothing," I told him, shutting down the TV and standing up. "I better call Hannah to make sure she didn't forget to come over. See you later, boys!" I walked up the stairs, ignoring the glances that followed me. The two then headed out, ignoring me as I unlocked my phone and called Hannah. 

"I'm headed to your house, right now!" she yelled over the backdrop of loud music and teenagers yelling at each other.

I rolled my eyes. "You're at Kian's aren't you?"

"Okay, yeah I forgot about the project, but I'm leaving now, I swear!"

"Be here in fifteen minutes or we're turning in a blank poster, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah - " I hung up. Hopefully, she got the message. Fifteen minutes, and then it's time for the history project. Fifteen minutes to try out Troye's latest trouble making idea. 

I headed up the stairs to my room and grabbed a pen and a pad of sticky notes. 

don't forget your science notebook

Connor probably wouldn't care. We'd still be at the same standstill where he left early and went to bed early or was out until I was asleep. I had tried talking but there was no time. There was never enough time for anything. 

But he was my brother, and always would be. I would always have enough time to stay up all night talking about love and watching cliché movies about boys who didn't love themselves but loved each other. 

I tore off the sticky note and pressed the tip of the pen to the next one.

It wasn't likely that he still wanted to do that - be friends before siblings feuding for no reason. Actually, there was barely a chance.

walk to school with me?

But it was worth a try. 

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