Chapter Four

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We kept my walls the dark blue than splatter painted the green and blue all over my room! It looked amazing! Maya and Brody were having a great time. And that was one of the first times that Ryan and Kathy looked at me like I was a real big sister. When I first got here things were terrible. Ryan hated how late I came in, that I didn't have the best grades and how I always smelled like weed. But when I decided to turn around my life for Maya's sake he started acting like a proud dad.

Once my room was all dry Maya helped me move my stuff back into my room. "Will you come visit me?" she asked in the sweetest voice. "Of course. I will come everyday after school and stay as late as I can sweety. You aren't going to go through this alone. We will go through it together!" All she did was smile and hug me. Today was Sunday and  I had school tomorrow so Maya wanted to pick out my outfit.

"Do you have any pink?" She asked.

"Yeah, see that tank top over there?" She went and grabbed it. It was a bright pink tank top. It had DON"T JUDGE. in cursive written on it. I had never worn it but Kathy got it for me.

"THIS. You are going to wear this!" She said laughing really hard. Woah. This little chick really likes her pink!

"Do I get to wear pants? I am going to school so I probably should, right?" I said with a smile.

"Let me look!" Sassy too! She will probably become some huge fashion designer when she gets older! I wouldn't be surprised if she was. She ended up picking out some shorts that went mid thigh. They were just plain dark jean shorts. The pockets were studded though. Then she picked out a black cover up thing to go with it. She then went to my jewlery and picked out my heart necklace that Adam gave to me, I usually wore it everyday but I take it off when I take showers. I guess I forgot to put it back on. Then she picked out a bracelet that was like rope braided. It was black. Then she started playing with Patches.

It was getting late so I put Maya to bed. Then I took a shower and went to bed myself.

"You can take everything I have

You can break everything I am

Like I'm made of glass

Like I'm made of paper

Go on and try to tear me down

I will be rising from the ground

Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper"

My alarm went off and I got ready in what Maya picked out for me. Today my make up was mascara and eye liner except I made my mascara thick. I straightened my long black hair. I decided to head out early so I could stop at Starbucks to get some coffee. When I got there I saw this guy that looked really familiar. He had dirty blonde hair, it wasn't very long but it wasn't short. He was tall and had bright blue eyes. Before I knew it, he walked up to me.

"Hi" he said

"Hi? Um. Do I know you?"

"Yeah, actually. I was wondering if you would sit in a booth and talk to me for just a little bit. I know having someone you don't know come up to you and ask to sit with you is creepy. I won't do anything to you. And just so you know I won't do anything to you, we can sit in a booth where everyone can see us." He said

"Um yeah sure.. I will get my coffee first then come sit down." I didn't think the guy was creepy. Plus we were in a public place. After I got my coffee I went and sat with him.

"Don't be mad." He said

"What do you mean don't be mad? I don't even know who you are."

"Yes you do. I'm your brother, Jonas."

"No. No you're not. My dad told me that my brother died when he was sixteen. That was four years ago." He did look familiar though. The cops even asked me if I had any contact with him. Maybe it was him.

"I wasn't in the car Tay. It was my car but I wasn't in it. I drank that night and so did my buddy who was driving. I didn't want to be with him. I stayed at the party and in the morning I called dad and told him I was sick of his crap. He was into drugs, and you knew that. I was going to come get you, but not until I fixed my drinking problem. But then I found out dad was dead and I didn't know where you were."

"Jonas.." It was all I could seem to say.

"Tay, I'm sorry."

"Why would dad lie to me?"

"When I told him I was leaving he got really mad. He probably thought it would be a good excuse to say I was dead since my car was smashed up."

"I have a family now..a new family. So if you think I will just drop everything.." he cut me off

"I'm not expecting you to do that. But I still want to be apart of your life."

"I will think about it. I have to go to school though. So can I have your number and I will call you when I think things over?"

"Yeah sure." He gave me his number and then I left going straight to school.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I have been super busy. I am in a play and days that I don't have practice I go and work to get money for when I go to Flordia. I will finish this story! Let me know what you think!!!


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