Supermarket and ramen

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You fell back, you waited for the pain when you hit the ground but somehow the pain didn't came. Instead of pain two strong arms held you back from falling to the ground you looked up to see Kakshi. When you were standing again Kakashi had his problems to not brust out in laughter, because you had the most dumbfound expression on your face he has ever seen. As you came back to reality you said " Ehm thank you for catching me... " you blushed shlightly
"No problem" he said. Both of you were in the house as your cat jumped in your arms. ( by the way you decided to keep it )
"You have a cat ?" He asked,
" yes and no ...well it found me and so i kept it. Don't you think it is totally cute ?"you said and put the cat with the (f/c) fur and the (f/c) eyes in Kakashis arms. You got your jacket and haded for the door. "Where are you going?" Kakashi asked while he played with the cat. "I am going to buy some food because i don't have anything at home. You can stay here or come with me " you said while going you out of the door. Kakashi quickly followed you leaving the cat behinde. "Did you forget that i am your guide? My mission is to be by your side and show you out village and of course protect you.. " he said
"How could i even forget that you are my guide ?! And anyways i can protect myselve so no need to watch over me like over a child" you explained ."and by the way i don't know where any food stores are so please lead the way" Kakashi lead you to a supermarket
"I will wait outside.." he said
"Why ? " you asked
"Because i don't have to buy anything... "he explained
You just went in the supermarket and as you turned around you saw him reading a book " Because you don't have to buy anything eeh~" you smiled and looked around the shop. After 10-15 minutes you got your food and just looked for some ramen. As you got there, there were a blond boy standing in front of many ramen sorts and looked like he needed help.
"Ehm excuse me do you need need help ?" You asked. The boy turned around and his bright blue eyes looked at yours " Yeah i need help... I CAN'T DECIDE WHICH kind of RAMEN I SHOULD TAKE!" He screamed/said. You brust out in laughter and as you calm down you asked " Why don't you buy all ? ".
"I don't have enough money with me... " he said and starred at the floor sadly.
You were sorry for him ( i mean do you know the feeling if there are so many things you want but you can just have one?) " close your eyes and open your hand " you said.
"What wh- ?"
"Just do it " you interrupted him. He closed his eyes and opened his hand. You put enough money in his hand that he could  buy all his beloved ramen. You take a random ramen sort and your bags of food as you were three steps away you said with a grin " You can open them now "

Narutos P.O.V
I opened my eyes and saw money in my hands and i said with a big smile "Thank you, you saved me from a difficult desicion and by the way you are really kind!" I shouted
"My name is Naruto U-" a hand was in front of my mouth which kept me from speaking.

(Y/N) P.O.V

And of course, who would have guessed it, it was Kakashi. "What do you think you are doing Kakashi ?!" You asked confused. Instead of answering he got your bags and your hand dranging you along. He paid for your things and before you left the supermarket you yelled to Naruto " My name is (y/n)-"
You was cut off as Kakashi pulled you over his shoulder and rushed off the shop.
Many people glared at you like "what are they doing ?" You got angry at Kakashi and as he put you down you shouted "What's wrong with you ? Why did you do that ?!
Why can't I say my last name ? Is somthing wrong with my name ?!"

Kakashi couldn't answer you so he looked away. "You know what, i will go home now ALONE!" you said and went away. 

"... Mission of keeping her name a secret completet, but now she is angry" i thought then i remembered that Tsunade wanted me to come to her when i am done.

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