The voice of the beast

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Kakashi knocked at Ariennas door it was late a night so it took her a while to wake up. "Who dares to wake me up in the middle of the night?!"  she said with a sleepy voice and yawned but her voice was also angry. "Arienna, change to your regular clothes we have a mission!" Kakashi said "Okay..." was all she said and after some minutes she came back in her ninja clothes she left a note for her siblings so they would know she is on a mission. "What mission will it be?" she asked as they made their way to the Hokage. "... a rescue mission...i think" Kakashi said "And who needs to be rescued?" She asked because it must be an important person because it was in the middle of the night. Kakashi didn't answer for a while because he knew that you and Arienna are friends ".... It is (f/n) Uzumaki" He answerd. "What?" she asked and hoped that he said the false name or something "(f/n) probably has been kidnapped." he said "You are kidding me, don't you?" she said and looked at Kakashi hopping it would be a bad joke "And we think Sasuke Uchiha is involved in this "He continued " Kakashi are you serious?" she asked "I am as serious as i can be " he said and they arrived at the office. They entered and there were Hinata, Kiba and Neji. 

~At the place where Sasuke is~

One dark room, two persons, one male the other female, the female being chained to a chair, the male standing freely and there is just one way to escape to.

A little light came from a lamp, which hang over the female, the male hiding in the shadows waiting for his prey to wake up, not once he said a word, not once he left the darkness, not once he let his prey out of sight. The female herself wasn't his prey, the knowledge she had was what he hunted for, the knowledge he doesn't have. The knowledge he needs to know to figure out if one of his enemys was dangerouse or not. Enemy isn't the right word, they were just some more people who stood in his way. But this time they weren't as weak as the others. Slowly the (e/c) eyes of the prey went open.

Your P.O.V

When you opened your eyes, you saw that you were chained to a chair and there was a little lamp over you. The frist thing you did was to try to break free from the chain, but as soon as something moved in the dark, you stopped, looking in the driection where you heard somehting. You didn't say a thing, you just stared and someone stared back you could feel it. The person came out of the dark, you saw that it was Sasuke Uchiha who took you to this place. You didn't say a word nor did he, there was just silence. " Naruto would have yelled by now" He said, "Why don't you yell?" He asked "Why should i yell ? you asked "... because i could kill you, because i could hurt you, because i can decide if you survive or not and because you can't get away from this place" he said keeping his emotionless voice. There was a small smile on your face which confussed Sasuke. "So you think you could kill me ?" You asked while a shadow was over your eyes, Sasuke didn't respone " You are a million years too eraly for that." you said and looked him in the eye with a angry face "Will you tell me about this group which is following you?" he asked "No, i won't" you said "Then let's see how much pain you can handle..." he said and took out a kunai, stepping closer, he stabbed you in your stomach, but you only looked at him. Not sure how he should react he repeated that but your expression didn't change "Does it not hurt?" He asked "It hurts" you said "So why don't you scream?" he asked "Because then i would let you win, won't I?" you said. Sasuke got annoyed and made scratched everywhere on you body. After he made all the wounds, the blood dripped from your skin to the ground  "If you tell me what i want i will stop" he said "I am not giving up so soon" you said. "Well then let's see what you will do now" he said and went back into the dark and came back with one of this tiny needles. Your eyes went wide open, fear was written over you face. You didn't want to be helpless, not able to do a thing, thinking you could never move again without pain, this needle would make you scream.

"Hey~ (f/n) don't forget me, you could use me everytime you want " said a voice in your head, you knew exactly who it was and you don't want to hear this voice, because if you did you knew how it would end.

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