running on rooftops

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You ran past Kakashi and Gaara still crying. "Hey wait !" Kakashi shouted " What did you do ?" Gaara asked Tsunade. " i didn't do anything, i just said we could help her... " Tsunade said worried that she said somehting wrong. " I have a strange feeling about this..." Gaara thought and ran after you "something on her is different from the others, she is like Naruto but i think she can't control her powers because it seems like her feelings tooke control over it" Gaara thought while he followed you. You were really fast he had some problems catching up to you. You didn't ran on the ground, you ran on the rooftops, you didn't want someone to see you like that. Gaara lost you but he knew the direction you ran so he searched you. After some time of running you stopped in a forest and sank to the ground letting all your emotions out. Tears rolling down your face and you where on your hands and knees. "This memories won't go away !! I can't forget them! WHY?!" you screamed. Gaara heard something from the forest it was like your voice so he ran to the forest." i want to forget my past and begin a new live, but my past would hunt me and when it found me i don't have control anymore..." you mumbled. You started glowing and your (f/c1) eyes shifted (f/c2). " How long can i live like that ? i just walk around and hope they don't finde me even through i could beat them... i am a nine tail after all " you said. You heard someone comming near so you stood up but you didn't stop glowing and you eyes were still (f/c2). Gaara saw you and ran to you " What do you want ?!" you shouted and he stopped right after you shouted that " She could break everytime now i have to be carefull" he thought " i am here  to help you so calm down " he said "I DON'T NEED HELP !" you shouted "Then calm down i won't attack you " he said " Why should i belive you ?" You shouted "Why should i attack you ?" He asked " Because I am a nine tail..." You said " So what ? Naruto is a nine tail as well and nobody attacks him here in the village " Gaara said calm "He doesn't have the enemies i have.." you said. Gaara walked forward just a few steps "You have enemies?" he asked. Your eyes shifted back to your normal eye colour. "Just forget what i said right now..." you said and stopped glowing. "Leave me alone like everyone else did" You said quietly and sat down by a tree to get your control over you powers again. " Why should i leave ?" Gaara asked and got nearer again. " Aren't you scared i could lose control and attack you ?" You asked " No i am not scared " he said and gave you a tissue " Here for your tears..." he said  "Thank you..." You said and wiped away your tears. "Why ? " You mumbled " Why what ?" he asked "Why do you stay ?" you asked "I know how it is to be alone and i can say that this feeling is awful" he said and you could hear sadness in his voice. "Sorry for shouting at you i... i lost control and thanks for calming me down" you said and stood up and bowed " No problem " he said and looked away. " Do you want to go to the Hokage again ?" He asked "No i don't want to, not after i ran out like this..." you said. Then your stomach growled loud. Gaara smirked slightly a little bit "Okay then do you want to eat something ?" He asked " Yes i didn't eat anything yet.." you said and looked at you feet with a blush on your cheeks because your stomach growled so loud. He started to walk out of the forest and you followed him. You and Gaara walked along a street on every corner the girls looked confused at Gaara and then they glared at you. Some of them said something like "It's the new girl she following Gaara lika a stalker " or " This little bitch she borthers Gaara!"  they wishperd that but you could hear them anyways. "Don't listen to them.." Gaara said next to you. "it is hard to not hear them but i don't care what they sa" you said with a smile. After some minutes of walking in silence you and Gaara stepped in a little caffee and you sat down on a tabel opposite Gaara. You ordered caffee and a little cake and Gaara too. "How is it to be Kazekage?" You asked him. Gaara looked a little surprised "Well it is sometimes really stressful and i have to do much paper work but i like it anyways " he said and took a sip of his coffee. "Why did you become Kazekage?" You asked "Because i wanted to protect the people i like..." he said " she asks really different things than the other girls, the other girls always asked 'do you have a girlfirend ?', 'Can i be your girlfriend ?', 'Can i hug ?' or even 'Can i kiss you ?' they were so annoying but she is somehow interesting..."he thought. You took a sip of your coffee and a bite of your cake. " Do you know my brother ?" you asked "Yes we are friends.." he said and ate a piece of his cake. " Gaara ?" you asked "Yes?" he said " Is it normal that the girls stare at you like that...?" you asked " Sadly yes" he said and took the last sip of his coffee. You both ate your cakes while the girls kept staring at Gaara. "(y/n) you have there something of your cake on your cheek.." he said and pointed on your left cheek. You blushed a little and tryed to wipe it away. "did i get it ?" you asked and Gaara shook his head " Hold on " he said and he bend over and wiped it away with his tumb. "He got really near " you thought and blushed even more and the girls seemed like they would have attacked you if Gaara wasen't here. "Thanks again " you said and looked at you coffee and you took the las sip. You ordered a glass of water as the door opened and Kankuro came in. " Oh hey (y/n)~" he said and sat next to you. " Everyone but not HIM . Does he want another puch in his stomach ?!" you thought. "what do you want ?" you asked. " i just want to be .... near you " he said and the las part he wishpered in you ear. You got nervouse and uncomfortable because he was so near next to you " Knakuro could you give her some space?" Gaara asked polite because he saw you didn't like it. "Why ?" Kankuro asked slightly rude " She doesn't seem to like it " he said  "oh i think she loves it am right?" Kankuro asked and put his hand on your tight and the other one held your chin right in front of his face "No i don't!!" you said and put his hands away "Oh you don't have to lie because Gaara is here~ you can say you like me " he said and got really near your face. You pushed him away and and said "Just stop it already!" you said and looked at Gaara for help. "Kankuro it is enough" Gaara said and looked at his brother a little bit angry. Kankuro gave you some space and looked at his brother with a smirk " You can say that you are jealous Gaara~" Kankuro said " i am not " Gaara said " Then why should you care if i get near (y/n)?" Kankuro asked " He jsut helped me !" you said " I didn't want that she punches you in the stomach like the last time and then you have to stay in bed for a day but if you want that then go ahead " Gaara said and closed his eyes. You looked around the girls seemed even more jealous. Kankuro looked really angry about what Gaara said and said but then he smiled "So you don't mind if i kiss her~" he said adn hold you chin and Gaara opened his eyes fast and as he was one centimeter away Temari appeared "KANKURO WHERE THE F*** ARE YOU?!!" she shouted "Here he is "gaara said and pointed at Kankuro who wanted to leave through the back door. " oh thank god he didn't kiss me !" you thought. "YOU LITTLE BASTARD!! DON'T EVEN TRY TO RUN AWAY !" Temari shouted and ran after Kankuro who left through the back door.

Next chapter comes soon ^-^

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