the festival begins

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You walked home in the dark streets.You had a warm feeling all over your body and you didn't know why and that bothered you. "Are there so many feelings i don't know ?"you asked yourself. After you arrived home you finnaly felt sleepy, so you changed you clothes and went to bed but this feeling didn't go away. 

You woke up at 6:17 am, Naruto was still sleeping in his bed you had to be at the festival at 8 am so you had plenty of time. You went out of the bedroom and then you had breakfast. You changed your clothes and did you hair after that you took a bath. When you were done it was 7 am. You decided to wake up Naruto because you didn't know how fast he would wake up. You went  to the bedroom and to his bed "Naruto wake up in 1 hour we have to be at the festival " you said but he just mumbled " just 10 minutes please.." "It deepents on you, how long do you need to get ready ?"  you asked " 10 minutes... to get ready " he mumbled "okay if you say so but i am going to... eh.. i have to do something we will meet there don't be late okay ?" you asked him "Yeah yeah " he mumbled. 

You went out of the building it was a sunny day " i don't have enough time but i have to try it anyways!" you thought you jumped up one of the houses so you could get faster to the gate. When you arrived there everything seemed to be okay no suspicious people " no one here but i have to look around more " you thought. You began running around the walls, you looked in the forest as well but since you didn't had enough time you made it fast. When you were done and at the gate again you were really exhausted. "Why did i thought they would come ? i feel so stupid, looking for them everywhere..." you sighed " i have to get to the festival.." you mumbled. You asked one of the people which time it was " It is 7:50 am " he answered "What ?! Thank you !" you shouted while you ran as fast as you could to the festival. It was a huge building and lots of people were standing around waiting to get in. You wanted to run past the two ninjas who were standing at the big door but they blocked the way. "Name?" one of them asked "(f/n) Uzumaki" you said "Ha very funny! Come on, your real name ?" the other one asked "That is my real name !" you said angry . "Hey her name is on the list..." the friendlier one said. "I-I am sorry !" the other one said and bowed with fear. They went to side and you went past them , inside they were waiting for you.  On the right side Tsunade with Lee, Tenten Temari and Choji, one the left side Gaara with Isabella, Arienna and Naruto. "You are late " Tsunade said, you didn't say anything "Do you have any excuse?" Tsunade asked "No i don't have one " you said and went to Naruto and the others. You and Gaara exchanged looks , there it was again this feeling from yesterday. "Why are you late ? what were you doing ?" Naruto whispered to you. " I did... I didn't look at the time.." you whispered. You felt bad for lying to him but you don't have a choice.  Hinata Shikamaru, Kiba and Neji were already at their places. It was a big arena where the fights will be, Tsunade, Gaara, you and the others went up to something like a balcony up there you could see everything the full arena and the sit places where the people will be. There were two big chairs obivously for Tsunade and Gaara and you had to stand. After some minutes Tsunad gave the order to begin the festival and right after they opened the big door, there came lots of people rushing in and taking the best seats first. Well right under and around the balcony were nearly just girls sitting and of course they were staring at Gaara. Some of them were also staring at you, Isabella and Arienna but not in the way they look at Gaara no with hate, jealousy or they were just confused why there were three girls around Gaara but that were just a few of them. You were a little bit annoyed by them "How can he ignore them ? Does it bother him as much as me ?" you thought. You wanted to ask him but the first two candidates came in and you had to watch them carefully. It wasn't very spectacular they used weak jutsus so you weren't really interesed but since something could happen everytime you were watching their movements exactly. After seven fights nothing happened and you got bored watching them. "They are weak, not dangerouse, they are just kids. There are nothing if it comes to a war... ah what am i thinking ? Why am i thinking of war ? It isn't like i wanted war... i am just prepared for it.. prepared to kill others to protect the ones who are important to me... i should stop thinking like that i can't blame them for being kids.. just focus on the candidates." you thought and looked down to the arena. You couldn't concentrate at all so you looked at Isabella, Arienna and Naruto. Naruto and Isabella were talking and Arienna was by Tsunade because of something "Am i the only one who takes this serious?" you thought. You looked to Gaara who seemed bored and serious. You went to the bannister and looked at the crowd, they were enjoying the fights, cheering for their favourites. "The next fight will be the strong Ishiga siblings Jin and Yashi! against..." you didn't listen anymore you just looked down at the arena and there they were the two kids with a cute grin on their faces.

Hey sorry for the long break but i needed it. Because i have my inspiration back i have more ideas, more ideas means i can write faster and that means their will be faster updates. Next chapter will be more action for sure. Hope the chapter wasn't to boring ^-^ See you soon.

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