First Kiss

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During this time it is a still, warm night within Konoha; leaving all of its inhabitants in a deep sleep. All except for one: Naruto Slowly opened his eyes, a single tear escaping his eye, running down his whiskered cheeks. He sat up in bed, clearly unable to sleep; his blond hair scattered every which way while his blue eyes slowly brightened.
This wasn't uncommon for Naruto; he spent many nights lying awake while thoughts pressed heavily on his mind. He found a brief walk to be an excellent solution for nights such as these. He stood and quickly sought out a shirt finding a plain black one on the floor; next he slipped on a pair of blue jeans before grabbing his shoes and out the door he goes.
On these walks, his mind always wonders the same route, such as his new relationships with the village of Konoha. During the great ninja war he became recognized as a hero. Yet he still felt alienated as an individual. He himself was the last remaining jinchuriki. Even Gaara, one of the few who understood his ordeal had become a normal human being; rather than be possessed by a demon as he was possessed by the nine tailed fox.
Why had his father forced such a life on him? Knowing full well that he would be made out to be a monster; even more so, he was forced to struggle from becoming a monster as the nine tailed foxed tried to take control...

Mirrors shattering all around him as his best friend's blood soaked the ground. Such overwhelming power, he would kill the boy in the mask! Naruto followed the masked boy from mirror to mirror; shattering each one and grabbing hold of the boy and throwing him. Then finally, when he was getting ready to strike the final blow...

There was that time...

"Four tails?! Naruto, snap out of it!" Sakura screamed. Naruto's blood boiled as the red chakra took control more and more. The fourth tail meant trouble as Naruto launched himself at Orochimaru. Striking over and over at the snake. Failing to kill him...

And that time...

He had let go... When sage mode had proved not enough to defeat pain, he let go and become that nine tailed fox, sprouting the fourth than fifth tail until the fox began to manifest. Bones formed as he attempted to kill pain. Still it wasn't enough as pain used his power to seal Naruto away into his gravity made planet. Until finally Naruto broke free, eight tails had formed and roared, getting ready to form a biju bomb....

That was the first time he had been made out to be a hero... The village recognized him. He was happy. Then as the Great War came to a climax, Naruto had partnered up with all the biju, forming strong bonds with Kurama and the others. He had fought and become a hero, yet even still, Kurama remained inside him. Though what worried him the most was that his partner was silent, still there, but not answering him.
Jiraiya would know what to do, but... Even he was lost to pain. Everyone Naruto cared for had been lost. Naruto had no one left to lose... Didn't he?
Naruto finally reached his final destination for the night: the Hokage faces. The first carving in the mountain was of a long haired man, the first Hokage. The second carving: the second Hokage, a silver haired man with a helmet-like object holding back his hair. Then the third was the old man Naruto knew to be the third Hokage. The greatest shinobi Naruto ever knew and loved. The fourth Hokage, a blonde haired man, resembling Naruto's own wild blonde hair, had an arrogant face that showed his boldness, yet his ability to lead; his father was indeed a great man. And then the fifth, the current Hokage: Tsunade, the old lady who kept her youth with her own chakra.
A rustling of leaves snapped Naruto from his thoughts. He glanced around coolly, thinking of the only times someone had bothered to hide their presence from him. One of the few who enjoyed his presence, who had even sacrificed herself for his own sake, she nearly died fighting alongside of him; many died by his side during the Great War, even her cousin...
"Hinata..." Naruto addressed her as if she were standing in front of him.
He heard the noise again as the shy black haired girl stepped out into the moonlight. Her black hair danced beautifully as she walked over toward him, her hands fidgeting in front of her as normal. Her eyes lacked pupils, yet Naruto knew she saw more than even he could possibly imagine.
"H-how did you kn-know it was me, N-Naruto?" She stuttered her usual shy speech.
Naruto stared at her with a look of boldness that reflected, not of the stupidity shown in his youth, but of the wisdom he finally had seen. "I don't know, I just thought of all the times we've met, and who usually hid behind trees like you. I guess I've come to know you as the girl who hides behind trees." Naruto laughed.
Hinata blushed, "I-I'm sorry, Naruto. I can't be as confident as you, especially around you."
"Huh? What do you mean, Hinata?" Naruto asked while his hand instinctively went to the back of his head. "I would've figured after all that's happened between us, that you would hold more confidence in yourself."
"I-I have. It's just that... Well it's that..."
"N-nothing, Naruto... Um, if you d-don't mind me asking: Why are y-you out so late?" Hinata stuttered.
"Hm?" Naruto shrugged, "I guess its cause I couldn't sleep. And you, Hinata, why're you out so late?"
"I-I," Hinata paused to think, "I wanted to go for a walk as well...When the moon is this beautiful; it's hard not to enjoy it." Hinata stated.
"Hm... I can see why," Naruto laughed, "It is a rather pretty sight, isn't?" Naruto looked over at Hinata, noticing her pale features reflected perfectly in the moonlight. Her eyes full of joy and mystified by the magic of the moon. "Kinda like you," Naruto blurted out before thinking.
Hinata was shocked, she had never been called beautiful nor anything of the sort. And now, the boy she was ever so madly in love with has said those very words. "T-thank y-you, N-Naruto."
"Of course, Hinata." Naruto responded coolly, though he even caught himself off guard.
"S-so, Naruto, what does the moon bring out for you? I feel more comfortable in the moonlight, like I can actually be myself; and you also called me beautiful, so now I feel as if I can enjoy the moonlight even more now." Hinata once again showed more confidence.
Naruto hesitated before deciding to speak. "It brings me memories. Good or bad, I see the past as I walk down these roads, my memories as a child; of having no one, no parents or friends. Then when I actually gained friends, even if they weren't perfect the accepted me for who I am. But, then I wonder why I was chosen as a host for such a beast; even though I've heard the answer before, I refuse to understand it."
Neither one spoke, both sat in complete silence as they thought over what Naruto had said. Naruto couldn't even comprehend how those words escaped his mouth or even why he had said it. Once again he was speaking before thinking.
"You know, Hinata? You're really easy to talk to," Naruto finally said to answer why he said all that; for himself and Hinata.
"Naruto..." Hinata whispered.
"What is it, Hinata?" Naruto asked as he looked over at the moon as it shone over the Hokage faces.
"How can you bear with the pain that you've endured your entire life? Everyone treats you so badly without reason. They call you a failure, they shun you. Yet, how can you keep your confidence so high? Even now, after all that you've done... After everyone you've saved you still have those who doubt you."

Naruto looked down at his feet; anything would have been better than Hinata's sad eyes. "I am a failure, Hinata. I pretend not to be, but I am. Neji was right, Sasuke was right. Everyone was right. I work so hard, yet I always screw up!" Naruto bit his lip, the taste of iron formed as blood dripped from his lip, "They were right. I've learned so much, yet... I've still gained nothing."
"You're wrong!" Hinata yelled. Naruto looked at her and wiped the blood from his mouth, "You're not a failure! I've watched you from afar, all this time. You've never gone back on your word, so don't start now! You're a ninja who created his own ninja way! I accepted that way, so how can you betray it when I've taken it on? The truth is, Naruto, I love you! I love everything about you, your ninja way, your personality, but more than anything: I love you!"
It came out so fast Hinata had no time to think. She let her emotions loose, and now the secret was out. Hinata turned to run, but Naruto caught her arm before she could. He pulled her into an embrace, her head buried deeply into his chest. He tucked her head under his chin and whispered, "Hinata, I love you as well. So don't worry, it'll be our ninja way. Our ninja way as a couple," Naruto pulled Hinata's head up by her chin and kissed her softly. It was a sweet kiss of lovers who've kissed for the first time.
Even after living for eighteen years, doing all that he had done; he still had yet to enjoy a moment as great as this. He thought he had experienced love, but that was nothing compared to what he felt at this moment, frozen in time as him and Hinata kissed.
Time continued as they broke apart, each one staring into the others eyes. Wonder flowed out of Hinata's eyes as she began to cry. Naruto embraced her face and wiped away her tears with his thumb. They remained silent as Naruto continued to hold her as the moment remained perfect.
"Let me walk you home, Hinata." Naruto whispered in her ear.
"Alright," Hinata whispered back.
Naruto walked Hinata home, hand in hand as the continued on as the happiest people in the world. Naruto took her to her door and gave her one last kiss. "Till Tomorrow," Naruto whispered as he left her in her bliss.
"Till tomorrow," She nearly giggled.
He hurried home, over joyed with the nights events. Never could he have imagined things turning out this way. He wasn't even worried about tomorrow's team meeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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