Chapter 7 : Your Fans Suck

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Melissa's POV

After me and Nick's disagreement I thought that everything would calm down and he would stop getting pissed at me for small things. Unfortunately I was wrong. For example I dropped a bottle of water and it spilled because the lid was off and he yelled at me. I found that weird as I went to clean it up straight away. I've also not been getting along the best with Matt as I forgot to do a bit of my homework the other day. He didn't yell at me like Nick would have but there was just so much disappointment in his tone. He hasn't talked to me much either but I'm okay with that because Chris talks to me all the time. He asks me about my day if I've been at school, he tells me about his day, and we talk about the past because we spent so much of it apart. He also makes really good jokes. If I've had a bad day at school he really knows how to cheer me up. But since he spends most of his time with Nick and Matt I just sit there awkwardly while they talk and laugh. I genuinely wish that Nick and Matt enjoyed my presence a bit more but I'll live. They also don't seem to overly like my friends. Especially Oliver but I can kind of see where they're coming from. Oliver is nice don't get me wrong but he's very honest with people. Also the incident with him really didn't help so that's just great.

I'm currently sitting in the living room on my phone while Nick, Matt and Chris are talking about their upcoming video for their Youtube channel. I think that it's quite cool that they have 7 million subscribers or something. 

"Hey Mel do you want to be in this week's car video?" Chris asks. I think for a moment. It would be fun as their videos look like they're fun to film but I don't think putting myself out for millions to see would be fun on the other half. I can also see that Matt and Nick don't look too happy about Chris's request. "Um... No thanks Chris but thanks for asking," I smile at him and I swear I almost saw a look of relief on Nick's face. If Matt is relieved he doesn't show it as he has the same expression as he did before. Uninterested.

I suddenly don't feel so bad for remembering Chris the most.

Nick's POV

Chris has just asked Mel if she wants to be in this week's car video and to be honest I'm not to keen on that idea as a lot of people that have been on our channel have gotten quite a bit of hate for it. Especially girls. I feel like some of our fans think they have a chance with us and are jealous of them for spending time with us. I find this insanely weird as some of these fans are significantly younger than us, or are even minors. Like what the fuck? "Um... No thanks Chris but thanks for asking," Mel replies to Chris. I try to hide the look of relief on my face by turning away from Mel to face Matt more but she might have seen. I hope she didn't. I don't want her to think I hated her. 

Melissa's POV

The Next Day At School

I was waiting at my locker with Avery for Jamie, Oliver and Freya to arrive when a girl approached me. "Hey I heard from someone your last name is Sturniolo. Is that true?" the girl asked. "Yeah, why do you care?" I ask confused as it is 8am and I don't know this girl at all. "Does that mean your related to the Sturniolo triplets?" she asks. I pause as I feel like if I say yes she'll jump me or something. "Yes..." I reply praying that this rando doesn't hurt me. "Oh that's fun we should be best friends," the way she talks reminds me of Fern. Rude and entitled. "I just met you," I tell her. "Okay and? We should hang out tonight at your place." "Thanks for the offer but I'll pass," I reply trying to be polite to this rude bitch so I don't go to an early grave. She walks away after yelling, "FUCK YOU THEN!" 

"Okay what the hell was that?" Avery asks. "My brothers have a Youtube channel. It's quite popular and I guess she wanted to meet them?" I explain. "Well she sucks as a person," Avery says. "Oh look there's the others," Avery points over to Jamie, Oliver and Freya. We walk over to them and head to homeroom.

After School

"Y'know Chris some of you guys' fans really just suck as people," I'm telling Chris about my day right now. I explain to him what happened with the girl earlier and he responds, "Oh yeah some of our fans can be quite disrespectful to people that we associate with sometimes." "But why? Why do they care so much they've literally never met you." "They're probably jealous that you can just be with us and they can't." "Well that's bullshit," I tell Chris. He doesn't mind when I swear like Nick and Matt do. It's nice. I continue talking to him until I realise I need to study for an upcoming test and leave him to do whatever he was doing before I started talking to him.

Author Speaks!

Hello once again. I tried to get this one out quickly as I felt bad about leaving you guys hanging for so long on my last one. The next one will probably take a few days as I'm celebrating Christmas with my family over the next couple of days. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this part. Happy holidays!

Stay safe and remember to drink water! :)


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