Chapter 23

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Luke's POV

"Bye guys. Have fun Shay." I smile as Shaylee and Calum walk out the door.

"Not too much fun though." Michael snickers, "No more babies, Calum!"

We all share a laugh and I finally close the door. "Okay, we're fine for right now. They're all asleep. Mike, are you up for some FIFA?" I ask him.

"Um, well. I was actually going over to Kimmy's apartment. The morning sickness has been a real bitch to her lately. Sorry mate." He explains.

I frown, "You suck. How about you Ash? You wanna try FIFA?"

"Sorry Luke. I'm visiting family today." Ashton explains to me.

"So, you're both leaving me with my niece and nephews?" I whine.

The both of them nod and begin to leave the house. I sigh and take a seat on the couch. I take my phone and decide to text Spencer.

L- Hey love :)

S- Hi :)

L- What are you up to?

S- Nothing much. Just hanging around. Harley wants to see you.

L- Then come over. I have to watch my niece and nephews.

S- I'll be there in 10 :)

I smile and reply to the text. Then, I wait.

-10 Minutes Later-

I hear a knock at my door and immediately get up from my seat. I run to the bathroom to make sure I looked okay, before popping a piece of gum in my mouth. The doorbell then rings and quickly got to get it.

With a smile on my face, I open the door to find a beautiful Spencer West in front of me. My small smile becomes a grin, as I am now face to face with the love of my life.

"Hey, beautiful." I smirked.

"Hi, blondie." She giggles.

I narrow my eyes at her and shake my head. I hate it when she calls me "blondie". I sigh, "So, where's Harley?" I ask her.

"At Alice's house." She smiles.

"I thought he was dying to see me?" I pout.

"Well, I told him he had to stay with Alice because I need to talk to you." She explains.

My heart drops. Watch he break up with me. Well, our relationship was amazing while it lasted. I sigh, "Oh, and what have you come here to talk to me about exactly?"

"Us." She smiles.

"In a bad way or a good way?"

"Good way." She replies.

"Oh good. I thought you were gonna break up with me or something." I chuckle. She frowns at me and goes to sit on the couch. Seeing I was extremely confused, I closed the front door and made my way to the couch.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I ask her.

"I'm worried that you're going to break up with me." She mumbles.

"Spence, I would never leave you. Spencer, I love you so much. I can't think of any kind of reason to ever break up with you." I tell her.

She looks up at me with sad eyes, "Promise?"

"Promise." I smile. "Now, what are we here to talk about?"

She takes a deep breath, "Luke, I'm here to tell you I'm-" The cries of a baby stop her midway.

"Sorry, I'll be right back. I promise." I frown.

"No, it's fine. Go ahead." She smiles.

I nod my head and make my way upstairs to the nursery. I peer into each one of the cribs and figure out Andrew had been the wailing. I chuckle at my nephew and carefully pick him up.  "Hey, little dude. What's going on with you?" I ask him, acting as if he could actually answer me.

The good thing was, he didn't smell bad nor was his nappie wet. So, he didn't have to be changed. He had to be hungry. I carefully walk down the steps, one by one with small and fragile infant in my arms.

I make my way to the living room and place him in one of the swings. I then head to the kitchen and grab a bottle out of the refrigerator. I go back to the living room and sit by the swing so he could eat.

"Sorry about that. Andrew's just a little hungry." I chuckle. "Anyway, what were you saying Spencer?"

"Luke, remember the night before I left to go to America?" She asks me. My face turns a red and I slowly nod my head.

"Well, about two months ago I realized I hadn't had my period in a while and I had really bad nausea." She tells me.

"Okay, and?" I say, gesturing for her to continue.

Her face drops and I could tell she was annoyed. She takes a deep breath and smiles at me, "Luke, I'm pregnant."


This is a really bad and short filler chapter for all those people who kept messaging me to update. 

I'm sorry for all the people who didn't message me and had their patience to actually wait for me to get better. Thank you for understanding my loves.

But, seriously guys, if I say I'm not doing the greatest please understand I'm 14. I have to wake up everyday by myself with my two younger brothers. My parents are getting divorced, and I have problems myself whether it be about my body, my friends being assholes, stress. I have seriously been going through a lot of shit lately.

Sorry for the rant.

Thanks for 26K guys.

Love You Guys Xx

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