Chapter 3

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Shaylee's POV

I wake up with Calum's arms no longer wrapped around me. I turn to look at the clock. It was four thirty, I only had thirty minutes to pack up all of my stuff and get ready, isn't that just great.

I get up and walk to the closet to find it completely emptied out. Maybe the boys packed for me. I shrugged and grabbed the outfit that was left in there, quickly throwing it on.

I hear the door slowly squeak open. "Shay?" The familiar voice whispers.

"Over here, Cal." I answer. He smiles and walks in the room, hugging me from behind.

"So, are you ready to talk yet?" He asks me, the smile that was on my face slowly turns into a straight line. I shake my head, "Okay, well just, you know come and get me when you're ready to talk." He smiles and leaves me to get dressed.

~~On the Plane to Florida~~

I sit in my seat besides Luke. He wanted to sit with me. Although he had fallen asleep about two hours into the flight. We had talked the whole time he was awake.

We just discussed the most random things. We talked about the band, the boys, mum, our older brothers, penguins, yes we talked about penguins, Calum and I's relationship. Just stuff like that. I had almost slipped about the baby.

He had asked how I was liking America so far, and I had said "We're loving it." Thankfully he didn't notice the mistake I had made and, obviously, continued to talk.

"Psst. Shay, Shaylee." I hear someone whisper. I turn my head to find Calum. I smiled at him. He pats to the empty seat next to him. I nod my head and grab the small bag I had with me. I slowly get up being careful not to wake up Luke. 

I get up and walk over to the empty seat beside him. He smiles at me and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. "How's my beautiful today?" He whispers. 

"I'm okay. How's my bassist today?" I ask mimicking him. 

"I'm great now that you're with me." He smiles. 

"Hey, I was sitting there." I look up to find Ashton making a pouty face. I shrug my shoulders. 

"Ash, go sit with Luke." Calum tells him. Ashton narrows his eyes at him and goes to sit with my brother. Calum rolls his eyes and looks back at me. "Do you wanna talk now?" He asks me, grabbing a hold of my hand again. 

I nod my head, immediately regretting it. I had to tell him now. What if he breaks up with me, or what if he doesn't want to be apart of the baby's life. 

"What's up, Shay?" He asks again.

"Um, there's something I need to tell you." 

Calum's POV 

"What's up, Shay?" I ask her again.

I could tell she was nervous about something. She was tapping her fingers on the arm rest, biting her lip, not making direct eye contact with me. She did all of that when she's nervous. 

"Um, there's something I need to tell you." She says. My heart beat quickens. She's gonna break up with me, or tell me she "accidentally" slept with another boy. Something like that. 

"W-What is it Shay?" I ask her. I could feel the grip on my hand become stronger. She looks up at me with tears streaming down her face. Something really bad must've happened. 

"I-I'm p-pregnant." She whispers. My heart drops. Did I hear her correctly? 

"W-What was that Shay?" I say. 

"I'm so sorry Cal. I'm pregnant. The baby's yours." She says and hides her face in her hands. She's pregnant. With my child. 

I'm not ready for a baby. I'm eighteen years old. I can't have a baby. I can't even take care of myself. I can't leave her though. That would be a terrible thing to do. 

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